Thats why disabling their legs is your best choice. This is what makes illegal drugs dangerous, not the drugs themselves. Your last bullet point is the problem. i agree with this, however not everyone wants to depend on the government to live and you cant blame them for something they have no control over.. also prescription drug dependance doesnt just happen from illegal use, there are people who experience daily pain that is immobilizing if they dont have something to help them. When it comes to real-life zombie threats, its a matter of paying attention. In the same year, in northern Haiti, the local peasants claimed to have found a group of zombies wandering aimlessly in the fields. People on here spell like they havent completed the 6th grade yet, Duh u humans research 1500 to 1800 s it did happend look Haitis it said its happening there South Dakota to North Dakota it happend creepy pasta talks about weired stuff 2 its around Ebola case 2012 y was that so important cause it happend in country and in ma covered up again y same reason as sept 11 2001 was covered up and aliens 2 ghosts demons cause polites and government dont want us knowing they think we to stupid to handle truth u young humans are idiots stupid foolish its u all get killed first u act like morals dont exist any more it should cause to much bs happing u nine idiots dont c it coming non fiction is reality covered up u fools movies hi tech cars drive by it self exist a I robots exist flying jets by it self exist so u c non fictional happening now everything movies said it happening fools pay attention, no jacob its not cool to survive a apoclipes plus people would kill you for food and your vheicls and do you want to know what happens bruh. The realization that the predictions were incorrect resulted in the. The Answer: Only a few months. After the first few months the number of zombie. When the ant becomes infected, the fungus quickly spreads through muscle fibers in the ants body, releasing chemicals thattakeover the ants central nervous system. That is why you play violent games, and tell yourself you could somehow defeat real soldiers. Included is detail on when to say goodbye and how to cope with death. Its with money and views think about it. Look guys, the government will lie to us to no end, we must band together keeping our humanity about us, to survive this new virus. How many days until the Zombie apocalypseSaturday, January 01 2022 at 00:00 UTC-05:00. Stop playing those idiotic video games that strengthen your thumbs and try combat and self defense. American radio host Harold Camping had arrived at the date for the apocalypse through a series of calculations that he claimed were based on Jewish feast days and the lunar calendar. Watch for people not paying attention and make sure that if something happens youre two steps ahead. You need to simmer down and get back into reality. Every year, new apocalyptic predictions waft . Published: 03/17/2021. Thats very dangerous for these tiny spiders.. Rob, I like your premise for this article. Between 2016-2016, 10762 wee shot in the streets of Chicago. Martial law would be put to place immediately and our advanced technology that could find a vaccine in less than a year and not to mention how the bodies would have to still rot and that would make the zombies over time useless in every way possible. Have you taken a good look at society lately? Whether theyre walking down the street or driving a car if someone isnt able to process decisions it could spell disaster for innocent bystanders. They are tooned out and off. Apparently French astrologer Michel de Nostradamus predicted a zombie apocalypse for 2021, because at this point, why not? The parasitic jewel wasp, lays eggs inside cockroaches abdomens, which then hatch and eat the roach from the inside out. Use them to make a simple windmill or a watermill to recharge the battery. That there is no need to struggle with anything. You fuckin shoot it. In essence, these manipulated animals were a fungus in ants clothing.. This might seem ridiculous, but we almost have no fatalities. While. One of the many lessons I learned from my long sojourn in gangbangville is that you (but never ewe) dont pet a rabid dog. This evangelist announced that "the world is going to go 'puff' and disappear" in September 1935. The same astrologers who predicted the deluge of 1 February 1524 recalculated the date to 100 years later after their first prophecy failed. Did you know the average American spendsmore than 40 hours a week watching TV? The leader of the cult Chen Tao preached that a nuclear holocaust would destroy Europe and Asia in 1999. Wow, so Im not the only one who read both versions of the world war z books- oneby Max Brooks and the other by Keith Taylor. Read this special feature to find out. Obviously, the main ingredient needed for a zombie apocalypse is zombies. Many species of fungi can be dangerous, often because they are toxic to animals, but there is one thing in particular that makes Ophiocordyceps especially frightening. But there's a tiny catch: None of the end-of-world predictions ever come true. One of these species, Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato, specifically infects, controls, and kills carpenter ants (Camponotus castaneus), native to North America. The zombie, often portrayed as an undead, flesh-eating, decaying corpse, has enjoyed a popularity surge in recent years. This psychic predicted the Second Coming would occur this year. For the most part, kids respected their elders and were in fear of punishment from Mom and Dad. mind bending is easy except im no experiment. #5.pack clothes(optional) then that would pose a problem because then the zombies would be intelligent. bath salts are obviously a problem and im not against what you are standing for here but i just wanted to point that small fact about the drugs you are refering to, Now, I dont believe in zombies, but I do get your point. A plague of the undead would be the ultimate test of human survival, and so it makes sense to say that if youre prepared for a zombie attack, youre prepared for anything. Our society has degraded so far down into the gutter that todays youth will do anything to escape from reality, including taking drugs that are literally turning them into real-life walking zombies. Pay atention to europe, who are in the edge of a multitude of nationals revolutions and the fall apart of EU. According to Harvard Magazine, in 1980, two women turned up in other villages saying they were zombies. They are already pretty miserable and have little morality, but they have access to plenty of the aforementioned basics; in fact, they are still fat! Clear the Room. Im just saying though And seriously we have a better shot at a lot of humanity being wiped out by disaster and the ALL TIME NATIONAL HIGH OR HEROIN EPIDEMIC ACROSS THE STATES AND THE WORLD TO BE REAL HONEST So befor u just start writting what ever like a holy roller bible thumping rebel whos 20 sheets radical and ready to protest lets honestly look at facts Honestly sometimes things are movies and tv series for just that reason good ol fashioned home entertainment, 20 years later this is going to be helpful and there will be a lot of drug attics and then 20 years later after that we might have our lives at risk. You may not like them but they keep their neighborhood safe from being mugged or beat on for no reason. Most of them are highly educated and have good jobs and they are good parents. And theyre the ones youll encounter the most frequently because theyre everywhere. Fair use.Music Used: (Unknown) #ZombieApocalypse #March2023 #MrJustinGames2023----------------------------------------------------2015-2022 Mr.Justin GamesTAGS:The Simpsons ,the simpsons, THE SIMPSONS, Treehouse of Horror XX, January 2022 , February 2022 , March 2022, April 2022, June 2022, September 2022, September 1, The Simpsons Season 21, Episode 4 , THE SIMPSONS ZOMBIE, The Simpsons Zombie Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse , February 21 2021, 2021 , FEB 21, February 21, FEBRUARY 21, USA, Zombie , Apocalypse, Infection , Zombie Infection, Z Day, UK, Burger Square, Krusty Burger, Krusty Burger 2, the simpsons zombie apocalypse, Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson, UK , Japan , Russia, Europe , France , Zombie Apocalypse In US, Eating Another Patient, May 2022, May 1, 2022, Philippines, MAY 2022, MAY , May [9][10] In the UK in 2015, 23% of the general public believed the apocalypse was likely to occur in their lifetime, compared to 10% of experts from the Global Challenges Foundation. Before we jump into why we believe we may be in the midst of a modern-day zombie apocalypse, lets look at real examples of zombies in nature. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. But Fernandez-Fournier and team noticed that members of this species infected with Zatypota larva exhibited bizarre behavior, leaving their colony to weave tightly-spun, cocoon-like webs in remote locations. Remote, off the grid, great hunting. You in US should pay more attention to what is happening here in europe, the things are going nuts over here. The US government, and also EU governments are following the same path, have constrained their citizens in such a way that they are no longer capable of thinking, an that is the only tool we need not only to survive in any scenario, but also to act as citizens who know our rigths and duties. At some point, the man attempted to take his own life. Your guide to zombie parasite journalism Try reading a book sometime and actually educate yourself on something instead of just having an opinion. Due to the misconduct of our political leaders, we are in deep sh*t, and so you are, for the same reasons, and we cannot blame nobody, because we voted, we accepted all the bullsh*t that they were serving to us wrapped in TV, facebook, or the new phone arrival. Yet Claverie and Abergel warn that there may be similar giant viruses buried inside the permafrost that could prove dangerous to humans. And then there was me, a street smart artist armed with a Smith and Wesson five shot and ten years of college education., i not going to happen if i was going to happen it would happend by now. There are also stories of people experimenting with drugs for the first time and having horrible reactions that land them in all kinds of trouble. My parents didnt let me sit in front of the TV all day.. People who are on drugs, especially bad strains of drugs, can often exhibit superhuman strength while also being impervious to pain. There is a sense of entitlement. Further research presented a gruesome string of events. the hunger, the mvements. Your email address will not be published. The undead. But especially in such a climate of uncertainty, the last thing we need is yet another baseless armageddon fantasy to exacerbate our anxiety. Forget the mindless idiots who sit in line for ten hours when the stupid phone hits the market because heaven forbid they are caught walking around with a phone thats more than six months old people are actuallykilling each other over iPhones. I agree with david but also because of the expanding population this planets going to be a zombie farm and would be even harder to kill of this new thing the government is making. He will come and when he does imma kill myself to save myself from seeing everyone else die, Thanks thats what I thought I mean if ya shot someone 6 times it would be all over news and social media . Published 28-Dec-2022. Our enemies are aware of the weakness in Americas youth. "The biggest key to surviving is learning how to scavenge and forage for the things you need. The dates are similar to word palindromes in that they are reversible. By season 11 it has been 10 years, 4/5 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and some minutes since the beginning of the outbreak so far. [8], Polls conducted in 2012 across 20 countries found over 14% of people believe the world will end in their lifetime, with percentages ranging from 6% of people in France to 22% in the US and Turkey. But do zombies, or zombie-like beings actually exist in nature, and if so, what are they, and how do they come to enter this state of undeath? And can humans ever become zombie-like? To build their model, they assumed that zombies would infect (but not kill) about 90% of the humans they encountered, and that they'd die within 20 days if they didn't eat someone. Whatever higher power you believe in let it be with you. Nobody forced me to take or drink anything. The bacteria which insects disseminate infect plants such as goldenrods, which have yellow flowers. Now Im not talking about the Walking Dead here. According to some sources, some prophecies were falsely attributed to Baba Vanga after her passing in 1996. "If you live in New York City or London and the zombie apocalypse happens, you probably need to get to the country to get away from people," says Ramey. Im a 13 year old beginner survivalist, teaching my brothers how to survive during different events, and I must be lucky with a 12 gauge under my bed:). Take, for instance, the parasitoid wasp Glyptapanteles. These gangs would not survive a week with a certain motorcycle group keeping shop. [174] 29 Sep 2011. And seeing this im just saying that i couldnt agree more. If the photo will generate a lot of likes, what difference does it make if you move past the safety barrier to get close to the jaguar for a better picture? 2. I dont get it. If zombies were to start roaming the streets - yes, we said zombies - the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants you to be prepared. This Wasp lays its eggs inside living caterpillars who then mindlessly guard its invading hosts eggs. The insects transmit bacteria, so-called phytoplasmas, which destroy the life cycle of the plants, says Prof. Gnter Theien from Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany, one of the researchers who have closely studied the activity of phytoplasma. It's also called Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon, or Sanguine Moon. But while reviving dead humans may not be on the cards for our race just yet, reviving other organisms is. This can be particularly unsettling when we think that those organisms are viruses. Special environments such as deep ocean sediments and permafrost are very good preservers of microbes [and viruses] because they are cold, anoxic [oxygen-free], and [] dark, they add. After which, there are only a few scattered bones. A powder? Go Ron Paul! "But even in a zombie apocalypse, that desire to be alone could change. These arent poor urban kids in some neighborhood that youll never have to walk through; these are people of every race, and from every corner of America. Its the over 50% of Americans who depend on Government assistance to live. Ophiocordyceps feed on the insects they attach to, growing into and out of their bodies until the insects die. We are taught that there is no need to experience any kind of pain. Word Count: 484. Anything is possible just saying.. But those jokes, sadly, may have a basis in reality. Now theyve found new ways to get high. Therefore, with Covid, they are doing so such thing to help, fake news of them helping spread the Vaccine is a bunch of fibs. Drugs (like XTC) At the end of the day, despite all of the recent heartbreak, humankind is still around, and thriving! Promotions happen quick. This was a total disaster as these new drugs havent been tested at all and have no research on them. Its very name has sparked fears in many that a zombie pandemic might soon be on . Many films and television shows would . all molly is, is a pure form of XTC which is the main ingredient in XTC which is MDMA. The exact problem with our beautiful country and why it is falling apart. The focus of the Zombie Apocalypse Medicine Alliance preventing all forms of control by outside forces through various medical and psychological means. In 1918, Christendom would go down as a system to oblivion and be succeeded by revolutionary governments. These leaf-like growths attract more insects, which allows the bacteria to travel widely and infect other plants. You really need to lay off the drugs and do a little more research. God would "destroy the churches wholesale and the church members by the millions." This linguist predicted the end would occur in this year. Kuzentsov did not join them, was later, After several unsuccessful predictions in 1994 and 1995, Camping predicted that the rapture and devastating earthquakes. Spent 15 minutes stalking up on someones fixed position so i could shoot him in the head from 1-3 feet behind him only to get shot by a still living victim after putting a 45 cal slug in his skull). The Zombie Apocalypse is not only a very real possibility; I believe its already upon us. This day would mark the beginning of the third woe of the Apocalypse, during which the. No matter how you slice it, test it, control it, fight it, people will find a way to get it and they dont care if its laced with poison. Ive been watching the EU since its inception and I agree. This Japanese cult, which carried out the. Parenting is just a minor factor in this generations children. Followers of Kuznetsov, 31 adults and 4 children (one 18 months old), went into a cave in Russia in November 2007 thinking they would be safe from an apocalypse occurring in the spring. What are the signs that someone is close to death. Solanum is cesium with. I read your article awhile back about people being a threat during times of crisis and it really changed the way I prepare for disasters and the future. Thats why zombie stories are resonating so much. Although it was not officially endorsed by their leadership, many Millerites expected the Second Coming to occur on April 28 or at the end of 1843. Here go check this, Ataxic Neurodegenerative Satiety Deficiency Syndrome, After October 21, 2011, the self-proclaimed prophet stated that nobody could know exactly when the time of the apocalypse would come., See how much time has passed since Campings apocalypse. The real reality is the apocalypse would be pretty short. While the odds of Hollywood-style, real-life zombie attack might seem nonexistent, theres a good reason that zombies and disaster preparation go hand in hand. THANK YOU!!!!! All rights reserved. The zombie clocks predicts when this is most likely to happen as well as the most likely cause. Living a half a century to date, in my opinion, the mind set of the youth of today is drastically different than that which was instilled in most of our generation. In the midst of providing guidelines on an unprecedented pandemic, the CDC updated its tips to prepare for another extreme occurrence: A zombie apocalypse. Omg thats so true and I think if it really happened as soon as I found out I would kill myself like damn why even bother ya know like if theres going to be a real zombie apocalypse why even live through that and see your own family getting eaten by zombies I personally wouldnt want to live after that. We found that a high percentage of the cells in a host were fungal cells, notes David Hughes, who is associate professor of entomology and biology at Penn State. #3.gather friends and family. Privacy & Terms. During and before 1999 there was widespread predictions of a Y2K computer bug that would crash many computers on midnight of January 1, 2000 and cause malfunctions leading to major catastrophes worldwide, and that society would cease to function. As an ex-drug user/alcoholic and now a substance abuse counselor in a correctional setting, I do have some insight into this issue as far as the USA is concerned. The Sheet has Hit The Fan. The following 2023 predictions are currently particularly trendy among doomsday enthusiasts: Lost in space: Some anxiety profiteers out there want us to believe Earth will be thrown off course in 2023with devastating consequences. This mathematician and astronomer predicted the end of the world during this year. Attributed to the blind Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga, this prophecy has our climate shift dramatically as Earth veers off course following a global nuclear explosion.. It is a DNA virus that contains a large number of genes as many as 500, to be precise. This Anabaptist prophet predicted Christ's Second Coming to take place this year in. Anarchy in the UK, I mean USA!!! and the curiosity will live on until there is scientific proof of the possibilities of zombies. I mean duh days family and ppl u love just cuz u dont have no one to love or dat love u dont mean u gotta say ppl aint ready.Im bout to be 14 and my friends talk bout da purge and if a Zombie apocolpse happens and they made a list. Revised prediction from Mather after his 1697 prediction failed to come true. oh my goodness, its The youth of today truly believe the world and their parents owe them. But, it wont be that clean, and you wont be able to avoid becoming a zombie simply by not getting bitten. This pastor predicted the end would occur in his book, This minister predicted the end in his book. Just make sure ur prepared. Thank you for spreading the info. So, to summarize, according to prophecies all attributed to the same person, 2023 has our home planet drifting aimlessly through deep space with a faltering magnetic shield and a rapidly collapsing global climate, facing nuclear fallout and an unprecedented solar tsunami, all the while crawling with killing machines from outer space. Miller, a Baptist preacher, predicted Christ would return on this date. its real its comming be paperd just saying, Well Im preserved for this and Im protecting family since I played zombie I have some expense for it and Im kinda like Lee from the walking dead game just a girl so is my brother, umm I dont know if zombies are real but that would be scary. Its the average American Citizen who has forgotten the skills they need to survive without running to the local Walmart. Incidentally, because Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease can be contracted through a contaminated food supply, imagine how easily it could be weaponized with the introduction of contaminants into the food chain. Scientists believe they have discovered the real way a zombie apocalypse could spread across the globe, and it's not how you think! we have in brazil what is called crackoland, that is land of crack. Thats more time than someone spends working at a full-time job! One case study reports the situation of a 53-year-old woman who was complaining that she was dead, smelled like rotting flesh, and wanted to be taken to a morgue so that she could be with dead people.. If you love reading about eerie predictions and the end of the world, you've come to the right place. You are dead on that there will be zombies but they wont be slow or dead. That being said, when I grew up in the 60s and 70s, things were very different. This mathematician calculated that Judgement Day would begin at 8:00 am on this date. let us believe lol no one is serious, Oh were fucked up your the one who cant even spell damn right. US inflation surges as economy becomes top preparedness threat, Commercial Real Estate Collapse Latest Warning Sign to Prepare for Major Economic Troubles, Senator J. D. Vance confirms waterways contaminated around East Palestine Train Derailment, 4th Train Derailment: Is it Terrorism? This world is gonna end one way or another. I think the government really is trying to accomplish this. [1] This often takes the form of mathematical calculations, such as trying to calculate the point where it will have been 6000 years since the supposed creation of the Earth by the Abrahamic God,[2] which according to the Talmud marks the deadline for the Messiah to appear.