this may even back up my aldrin placement and my thoughts/beliefs that i may becomes a figure head at some point. you may be extremely successful and popular when you change your location. Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Santa is the Western Christian icon who is believed to bring children gifts on Christmas Eve. NEPTUNE retrograde people typically struggle with their thoughts - during this retrograde you may feel like you cant think straight or that you are more critical of yourself. you may participate in some sort of club that takes up a lot of your time - medusa participated in the worship group for athena. 7th house/lord - love and matrimony, law suits, wife or husband. This can also make the relationship very individualistic, which can be good or bad. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. i have some drafts from july with asks that have a lot of detail that people probably think i have forgotten about - nope, i am just busy lol and they take time. be careful about who you share your views with. you could unconsciously put off strangers simply due to sensitivity - the asteroids namesake sparked a lot of fear from the masses after her transformation because of misguided displays of emotion. Major life decisions are being brought up, a mirror is being held at your face and youre facing the dreams you have set for yourself or the lies youve deluded in. If you have children, this is a time where your relationship experiences difficulties, a kind of distance or emotional barrier. and please never ask about aspects to asteroids i have not posted about (its not fair to others that i provide you with information while they know nothing about the myth NOR is it fair for you to not know what my opinion is on the myth OR the myth period). Uranus: strong or prominent Uranus influence can point to excitement, spontaneity, and eccentricity in the relationship. its hyper specific but makes sense when you read the myth. medusa wanted peace. :) this is where it gets fun for me because i cant take hormone birth control because it causes blood clots - hi, i already have that issue and lowkey want to keep living. you may face a chronic change in your appearance/health. During his many years before beginning this War he assembled mercenaries from Spain, North Africa, and Gaul - his naval fleet became a great armada. the asteroids namesake was also very knowledgeable regarding worship - so it is likely you have a deep knowledge of the area in which you commit. They have a natural dignity and are humorous, spontaneous, and often lucky. its usually because they have low energy, they easily get tired of trying to assert themselves or make others hear them. where cheshirecat is for me and how it affects me personally: 10h in capricorn at 6 - anyone who knows me knows i am just as morally grey as cheshire - i give off an all-knowing vibe that cause me to attract a lot of alice types who ask for guidance. on the other hand, you may not be a romantic due to your values system similar to medusas system of beliefs. say thank you or smile at the person who does something helpful or kind for you. be sure to read the house in which your medusa aspects from! IN MY OPINION Michelangelo in your chart represents a) how artistic you are, b) where you may set the standards for a trend, c) where you see the most reality in a situation, and/or d) where you have the potential to receive fame for something you create or do. On July 20th, 1969 Aldrin and Armstrong made the first moonwalk and became the first humans to set foot on another world. growing up is rough but hey we all do it and time waits for no human - walk before the universe shoves you along unwillingly. you may be divinely connected to the spirit realm. * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn i clearly love the learning part but the institution part is like :/. I dont care if they say my blood pressure is high from the anxiety lol. His name has been since associated with the word genius. Make sure that the decisions youre making reflect how you truly want the rest of your relationships to be and how you truly want them to serve you in a greater purpose through out your life. astrology Love Astrology, Marriage Astrology, Marriage. leo - sun. medusa-mercury: you may feel safest in educational settings, libraries, gossiping around those you know, and/or traveling, but these situations may cause you danger. do a weekly check-in with yourself to ensure you are still happy with your decision. Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. you may not be very egotistical and prefer a modest approach though you receive a lot of attention and admiration. where lova is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 6 - haha this is where it gets interesting. The 'Sun/Moon' midpoint is a degree thatwhen activated by transit or progressionsuggests major changes in the relationship. you may put too much stock into religion being able to save or help you with certain situations. i do tend to be the one to warn others about traveling abroad (what to do versus not to do), colleges pros and cons, etc. perhaps not always but oftentimes ya lol. take what resonates and leave what doesnt! IN MY OPINION Actor in your chart can represent a) where you have a lot of minor roles, b) where you take others in and tend to give them more than they deserve, and/or c) where you are willing to forgive others for how they have wronged someone else. This may be a time where you are trying to further yourself in society, trying to climb the social ladder with all youve learned. PLUTO: retrograde occurs roughly every year for around five to six months. everyone mentioned (and every 800+ of you who followed my blog this year whom i have not mentioned but still adore) made my 2022 wonderful and helped me to expand my knowledge of astrology ;) heres to an incredible 2023 full of knowledge, love, wealth, and health! Juno MOST of the time is about your romantic partnerships but it can refer to your other platonic relationships with people like friends or family members) Partnerships and balance are an integral part of Juno. you love having a duty or task which you must perform for others - it adds to feeling useful. if you are a writer, you may write what you never say, if you are an artist, you may show emotion you never would otherwise, etc. IN MY OPINION Lova in a chart represents a) where you are the most affection towards others and they return the sentiment, b) where you may experience devotion, and/or c) where you are likely to experience an incredible, unforgettable love story. Ying and yang, male and female, partnership and balance. Suppose the 7th house Lord is in a dual sign, then the second marriage may occur.It must be understood that Dasha-Antardasha should support the second marriage astrology. i know that the common observation is that the ruler of the 7h is located where you will met. you likely will attract a lot of the publics attention. try not to get too into your head both in terms of ego and superego. and since we reached 100 posts last night, lets celebrate with this long post! retrogrades: all the planets and five common asteroids, unnamed and renamed asteroids? You can bear the fruits of your labor through patience, becoming an enigma through soul revolution. Thank you. dont assume exclusivity on day one, its 2022 lol. IN MY OPINION TARDIS in your chart can show a) where you have incredible tools at your disposal, b) where your opportunity to go anywhere lies, and/or c) where you may have a paradox in your life. she pleasing the goddess and worshiping her caught everyones attention. you are likely a genuine person whom doesnt do things because they want power, rather because they care. Aries (Saturn in the 11th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly on your connections, friendships, hopes and aspirations. whereotzi is for me and how it affects me personally:8h in scorpio at 6 - not the 8h any way looks like i am my own enemy (otzi conjunct sun, moon, and mercury). Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. IN MY OPINION Educatio in a chart can tell you a) where you are most knowledgeable, b) where you enjoy learning the most, and/or c) could help you to pick a major/speciality to pursue in upper education. Car troubles are common so watch for road mishaps and accidents, this could be a time to learn to drive, getting a license, or simply moving up in learning or your community. ellie-mae-astrology: * Jupiter conjunct/Trine/Sextile venus * Jupiter in the 7th * Saturn 1st house . out for a walk? appreciate a job well done by you! whereporta coeli is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 10 - lol is this a running joke? A strict reassessment of your daily life and what you put into your body becomes heightened, a sense of redirecting energy into hard work and becoming more serious about what it is you do is important during this time. the moon is the wife - for people looking for a feminine partner. Gemini (Saturn in the 9th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons mostly into your life through higher education, religion, spiritual journies, long distance travel, views of the world and philosophies. @starshinesparkle whats in retrograde? other peoples questions are just as important as yours. though you may not be the best at picking up on the social cues given around you. you have to look at the persona chart of the ruler of your 7h: when you are in the rulers persona then look for the sign and house of jupiter, the moon, or venus. For example, a composite Mars in the 8th house can point to lots of sexual energy in the relationship along with jealousy and fear. This is a time where youre learning what it takes to truly make a life for yourself and establish a routine that better serves you. ASTEROIDS RELATED TO ATTRACTIVENESS (MASCULINE ENERGY): ASTEROIDS RELATED TO ATTRACTIVENESS (FEMININE ENERGY): ASTEROIDS RELATED TO TALENTS IN ASTROLOGY: Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart, Astrology + Relationships: Composite Charts, PSA indicators dont mean it will happen its just a possibility, #37117 Narcissus Vanity and Attractiveness, #1862 Apollo Attractiveness and Worship, #22 Calliope the Muse of Epic Poetry and Astrology, #30 Urania the Muse of Astrology and Astronomy. am i gonna die?, etc. my advice for surviving this retrograde: daily check-ins. stand up for yourself even if its i dont appreciate that you owe no one an explanation. power to them may be or look like something to be destroyed or something that is too over the top, like a dictatorship. i would like to first state that NO TWO CHARTS ARE THE SAME. where cucula is for me and how it affects me personally: 1h in pisces at 13 in retrograde - please refer to the bella asteroid reflection lol. . The Ascendant and Chart Ruler: the ascendant of the chart along with the chart ruler can show how the couple first met or how the relationship began, how others perceive the relationship, and how they initiate things and projects together and react to things. Named after the goddess of marriage and protector of women, this asteroid's placement in your birth chart explains what you look for in a partner, aka what makes you want to commit for the long. Exchange of signs between the 7th, 12th and 9th lord also increases the chances of marriage in foreign land. they are less likely to pay it forward to others - it may be due to past experiences, no good deed goes unpunished. their judgment may be either too realistic or too impractical. lucky you are rather attuned to your environment and have the ability to adjust accordingly. IN MY OPINION Santa in a chart represents a) your wonder/wishes, b) where you tend to do a lot of gift giving, c) how you experienced fun/joy as a child (or child-like joy in your life), d) your traditions, and/or e) where you may need to be reminded of how lucky you are as well as where to remain grateful for what you have. Physically, watch for problems with the kidneys and urinary system. Each aspect is worth 1 point. as for 2h: banks, via your mothers siblings, could be at your public enemys funeral:), via your grandfather, through nephews and nieces, through step siblings, etc. Chiron: aspects with Chiron can point to either healing in the relationship or a shaky foundation or damage in the relationship. You might not have been or be in a relationship with them for long enough to fully see all the dynamics in action. Composite charts are all about the relationship. they may experience fertility issues. you never have to fear, you always be known/remembered. they simply knew of her and lusted for her. where DNA is for me and how it affects me personally: 10h in capricorn at 2 - please tell me you arent shocked about that placement after that analysis ^^^. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of actor AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede actor! angry? sleep, relax - a few lazy days never killed anyone OR have a lowkey day a walk instead of a run, meal prep. i implore you to read the moon aspects to see what resonates! Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about. Mercury is known as the "messenger of the gods" in astrology because it governs the day-to-day expression between people. after talking with the person who i needed to fix things with or getting the object mended - do i feel like this object/relationship was worth the time and energy expending? i believe based on my whole chart whoever my mystical partner is is going to create some sort of fame or popular memory (my vertex is in the 7h too and conjunct all this lol (refer to lova reflection)). Both Greek and Roman historians carefully documented his life. With the help of Birth chart analysis, complete marriage prediction can be done and exact events that can occur in your marriage life can be predicted. Below are the asteroids related to different aspects of your life or talents. gossip may be a downfall for them or stir up worse situations for them. Intermediate Composite chart reading $55: -What planets are transiting you and the persons houses and how that may affect you both and the relationship, -includes the basics of the basic composite chart reading but with 10 aspects instead of 5, If you want to include some asteroids, its $2 more for an asteroid, -sun/saturn conjunction/square can indicate depression at some point. Stuck on the island, the two come to enjoy each others company and eventually fall in love with one another. negative aspects: a feminine may be jealous or even paranoid over your presents around them. speaking of athena - you may find yourself in an unspoken agreement with a powerful entity - you may just sign over your soul and forsake your life before. Saturn was in Cancer which falls in his 11th which is trine to 7th house. If you tie the knot during this time you'll thrive as individuals and not risk losing sight of yourselves. hear me out - persona charts. If the 1st house is emphasized, the relationships focus may be the outward appearance of the couple. you may forget in moments of solitude, your physical changes and feel more like yourself again. Astrology Marriage Prediction can help you identify how compatible you will with your prospective future life partner. By the age of 22, she had two bachelors degrees! their empathy and gestures of nurture get overlooked because it is just a given that they are that way - meaning they are likely surrounded by people who use them. travel, eat something youve never tried before, pick a new aesthetic, change up your look!