Section 40:12-30 - County receiving funding required to create completely inclusive playground. Section 40:55D-152 - Approval of municipal petition; appeal. Section 40:43-66.41 - Question of forming consolidation commission submitted to voters; alternative methods. Attend either the day session OR the evening session! New Jersey may have more current or accurate information. Section 40:55D-66.15 - Conditions for deeming abandoned; legal action. Section 40:56-1.2 - Parking facilities as distinct work or in connection with parking authority. TO ACCESS THE PROMOTION SCREEN From the Menu Bar, select New Transaction. Section 40:3-3 - When sinking fund commission to determine requirements Section 40:3-4 - Sinking fund commissions; appointment, duties and powers. Section 40:45-10 - Designation of candidate on ballot, Section 40:45-10.1 - Designation of committee on vacancies, Section 40:45-11 - Nomination for one office only, Section 40:45-12 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; drawing lots, Section 40:45-13 - Publication of names of candidates, Section 40:45-14 - Persons with same name; statement of identification on ballot. Section 40:66A-2 - Public interest and policy declared. Section 40:56-78 - Limitation on liability for injury to person or property due to movable structures, appurtenances, etc. Section 40:48-1.4 - Criminal history record check requested by municipality, authority for. Section 40:66A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions. Section 40:5-2.10c - Nonprofit hospital for health related community services; voluntary contributions. Police promotional examinations for career preparation, Core Concepts Our Police Training is the best choice for your Police promotional examinations and assessment centers for career advancement. Section 40:55D-14 - Effect of mailing notice. 6400 Section 40:14A-36 - Jurisdiction, rights of State agencies unaffected. Section 40:55D-159 - Purchase by development transfer bank. Section 40:20-19 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:20-20 - Membership; number; increase or decrease; proposition; submission to voters; petition; effective date, Section 40:20-20a - Terms of additional members, Section 40:20-20.4 - Proposition to change term of office, Section 40:20-20.5 - Election under adopted proposition, Section 40:20-21 - First election; terms of members first elected, Section 40:20-22 - Additional members in certain cases, Section 40:20-23 - Election; term; organization, Section 40:20-25 - Expiration of terms of existing members, Section 40:20-26 - Terms of officers; exceptions, Section 40:20-27 - Existing laws continued, Section 40:20-28 - Referendum; submission to voters, Section 40:20-29 - Petition for submission; sufficiency; filing, Section 40:20-30 - Petition; time for filing; notice of election, Section 40:20-31 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:20-33 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:20-35 - Certain counties governed hereby, Section 40:20-35.1 - Number of members; election; terms, Section 40:20-35.3 - Expiration of terms of existing members; filling of existing vacancies. Section 40:14A-8.2 - Rates or schedules established by sewerage authority. Section 40:10D-1 - Findings, declarations relative to protection of archaeological findings, sites. Section 40:55D-8.2 - Findings, declarations relative to Statewide non-residential development fees. Section 40:55D-44 - Reservation of public areas, Section 40:55D-45 - Findings for planned developments, Section 40:55D-45.1 - General development plan, Section 40:55D-45.2 - Contents of general development plan. Section 40:55D-12 - Notices of application, requirements. 01/15/2023. Section 40:55D-49 - Preliminary approval, extension. Section 40:67-16.6 - Limiting use of streets to certain classes of vehicles, Section 40:67-16.7 - Temporary closing of streets for ingress and egress to school or for provision of recreational facilities, Section 40:67-16.8 - Approval of regulation by director of division of motor vehicles, Section 40:67-16.9 - Closing of street for preservation of public safety, health or welfare; authorization by governing body by ordinance; regulations, Section 40:67-16.10 - Ordinances and regulations; approval, Section 40:67-17 - Statues and memorials erected upon public streets, Section 40:67-18 - Spanish American war monuments; municipal contribution, Section 40:67-19 - Vacation of streets and places dedicated but not accepted; ordinance; notice and hearing, Section 40:67-20 - Abandonment of plans to open or widen streets; disposition of lands, Section 40:67-21 - Vacation of streets and places; recording; copy as evidence, Section 40:67-22 - Vacation of streets and public places between March 11, 1920, and March 11, 1922; recording; copy as evidence, Section 40:67-22.1 - Payment for vacating street, Section 40:67-23 - Return of taxes paid on certain streets, Section 40:67-23.1 - Road, street services, Section 40:67-23.3 - Municipality to reimburse private community for services or provide services, Section 40:67-23.4 - Private community to pay insurance riders, Section 40:67-23.5 - Use of municipal reimbursement to pay for services, Section 40:67-23.6 - Schedule for reimbursement for portion of cost, Section 40:67-23.7 - Acceptance for public use if conforms to municipal specifications, Section 40:67-23.8 - Additional services; repeal of ordinance; prior agreements to remain in effect, Section 40:67-26 - Passage of ordinances; subsequent proceedings by resolution; supervision by county, Section 40:67-27 - Contract with county; advertisement for bids unnecessary, Section 40:67-28 - Assessment for benefits; bonds and improvement certificates, Section 40:67-29 - Highways may be connected by tunnels; approaches, Section 40:67-31 - Location of tunnel and approaches; right of entry upon lands, Section 40:67-32 - Acquisition of necessary land; damages to land compensated, Section 40:67-33 - Contract with landowners to build tunnel; contribution by; streets vacated, Section 40:67-34 - Statement of cost and damages filed, Section 40:67-35 - Tunnel considered general improvement, Section 40:67-47 - Release or extinction of public right in canal or canal bed not used for twenty years, Section 40:67-48 - Filing copy of ordinance; evidence, Section 40:68-1 - Acquisition of land; reclamation and improvement of land, Section 40:68-2 - Contracts; plans, specifications, advertisement and bids, Section 40:68-3 - Lease of improvements; terms; lessee's bond; use of improvement by others, Section 40:68-4 - Ordinances relating to water fronts, Section 40:68-5 - Acquisition of railroads and equipment connecting with water front improvements, Section 40:68-6 - Operation of railroad by municipality; lease to corporation, Section 40:68-7 - Income from improvements and railway; use of; annual deficits, Section 40:68-8 - Funds for supervision and control of improvements and ferries, Section 40:68-9 - Officers, agents and employees, Section 40:68-10 - Annual report; contents; filing, Section 40:68-11 - Powers conferred deemed additional, Section 40:68-12 - Private wharves or other improvements; license for construction; application; procedure, Section 40:68-13 - Failure to obtain license; effect; penalty; duration of license, Section 40:68-14 - Removal of obstruction from wharves; procedure on failure of owner, Section 40:68-15 - Persons aggrieved may petition court; procedure, Section 40:68-16 - Municipal appropriation to assist federal government in protecting water front, Section 40:68-17 - "Port authority" defined, Section 40:68-18 - "Marine terminal" defined, Section 40:68-20 - Powers appurtenant to establishment and maintenance of marine terminals, Section 40:68-21 - Use of income; issuance of bonds and other obligations, Section 40:68-22 - Local harbor and water front commission; creation; members; appointment; term, Section 40:68-24 - Governing body approval required, Section 40:68-25 - Dedicated revenues; applicability of section 40:2-18, Section 40:68-27 - Establishment of district; ordinance; special election, Section 40:68-28 - Beach erosion control commission; establishment, Section 40:68-29 - Election of commissioners; term, Section 40:68-30 - Vacancies; special election; term, Section 40:68-31 - Petition for nomination, Section 40:68-32 - Verification of petition, Section 40:68-34 - Ballots; form and content; advertisement of election, Section 40:68-35 - Judge of election; teller; compensation, Section 40:68-36 - Registry list; persons entitled to vote, Section 40:68-37 - Polls; hours open; record of persons voting, Section 40:68-38 - Counting of votes; certification of results; forwarding to municipal clerk; announcement of results, Section 40:68-39 - Oaths; meeting; election of officers; acts of majority, Section 40:68-41 - Entry upon lands or waters to make surveys, borings, sounding and examinations; condemnation; compensation, Section 40:68-42 - Bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness; issuance; limitation, Section 40:68-44 - Issuance of notes, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness according to Local Bond Law; purchase of bonds by municipality, Section 40:68-45 - Appropriation of moneys; loans or donations to district, Section 40:68-47 - Payment of moneys to district treasurer, Section 40:68-50 - Dissolution of district; debts and obligations; property; resolution as evidence, Section 40:68-52 - Removal of district members; grounds; hearing, Section 40:68A-2 - Declaration of public interest and policy of state, Section 40:68A-4 - Port authority; creation by municipalities; membership, filing of ordinances and resolutions, Section 40:68A-5 - Members of port authority; powers; terms; expenses; officers, agents and authorities; civil service, Section 40:68A-6 - Acquisition of property, Section 40:68A-7 - Port authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:68A-7.1 - Audit of accounts of port authority annually; filing, Section 40:68A-7.2 - Certified copies of bond resolutions and bond proceedings; filing, Section 40:68A-9 - Appropriations by local units, Section 40:68A-11 - Interim certificates; temporary bonds or other instruments, Section 40:68A-12 - Notice as to time for bringing actions questioning validity, Section 40:68A-13 - Negotiability of bonds or obligations, Section 40:68A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions, Section 40:68A-15 - Default in payment of bonds; trustees; appointment; powers; receiver, Section 40:68A-16 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of state or local unit, Section 40:68A-17 - Real property; acquisition; condemnation, Section 40:68A-18 - Service charge with regard to real property; interest; lien; enforcement; collection, Section 40:68A-19 - Sale, lease, loan, grant or conveyance to port authority; permit, Section 40:68A-20 - Public bodies to pay service charges, Section 40:68A-21 - Mortgage, pledge or disposal of port facilities; exemptions, Section 40:68A-22 - Bonds as legal investments, Section 40:68A-23 - Property as public property; bonds declared issued by political subdivision; bonds exempt from taxation, Section 40:68A-24 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:68A-25 - Banks authorized to give undertaking; deposits, Section 40:68A-26 - Competitive activities, Section 40:68A-27 - Liberal construction; regulation of port authorities, Section 40:68A-30 - Declaration of public interest and policy, Section 40:68A-32 - Municipal port authority; creation by municipalities; membership; terms; vacancies, Section 40:68A-33 - Officers, agents and employees; civil service, Section 40:68A-34 - Powers vested in members; quorum, Section 40:68A-35 - Reimbursement for expenses; compensation for services, Section 40:68A-36 - Interest of members, officers or employees in property or contracts, Section 40:68A-38 - Dissolution of municipal port authority; vesting of property in municipality, Section 40:68A-39 - Purpose of municipal port authority, Section 40:68A-40 - Municipal port authority as political subdivision; powers, Section 40:68A-42 - Schedule of facility charges, Section 40:68A-43 - Powers of municipalities; finances; ordinance.