I thought that those two virtues, coupled with patience, could help people moderate reactions so they can avoid socially destructive acts. Astrologically associated with Sagittarius, the Temperance card is a very high-vibrational card. hope, extraversion, resilience, and optimism. But similarly to Temperance upright, always act in a balanced manner. Moreover, this signifies the reconciliation of opposites in a middle ground and the prudence to water our wine down, to avoid extremes, to live with moderation and emotional restraint. This is also a card about alchemy or mixing and matching. Its a high-minded card that represents harmony and balance. Question 3. However, you can only help people who want to get help. Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at /works/38514553. They are either confused, emotionally unavailable, or you have sent mixed signals to them, and they arent sure how to respond. Have you ever been in a situation where everything seems to be going wrong, and despite wanting to re-centre yourself, being caught up in the chaos prevents you from even doing that? Perhaps it would be prudent to think about the cards equivalent in the first ten Major Arcana: the Emperor. This can be a good or bad thing, taking into consideration the context of the group. The universe will never guide you into a life or death situation and then abandon you- there is always a lesson to learn or an unexpected way out. 1 represents the beginning, creation and initial ideas. When drawn to specify how to resolve a conflict, Temperance tells you to do the right thing: pacify the situation. As opposed to its upright position, Temperance reversed asks you to avoid staying neutral in this situation. Still, that should not be taken so literally. If you are experiencing health issues right now, its because you are out of balance in these areas. They may do it unintentionally, in order to stick with their own opinions, or deliberately. An exciting, unusual or eccentric personality. And without the harmonious and peaceful nature of the upright Temperance, they struggle to work with you effectively. There is no indication of danger, just the notion of adventure. For love readings, Temperance reveals the power of patience, compassion, and understanding. Unfortunately, the reversed Temperance card points out a certain degree of emotional immaturity. If Justice comes before the Temperance card, there will be a delay in the outcome of a legal situation and outstanding charges could be dismissed. I would love to see the research be applied to the big problems of the decade of the 2020s political polarization, racial reconciliation, relationship reconstruction, and character development. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. If we listen to others with empathy, seeking to understand their position, and act civilly to get behind the position to their real interests, we can often find common ground with our own interests. They do not intend to back down from their standpoint anytime soon. Manages a patient and family caseload which includes assessing, planning, implementation, evaluating and documenting the care provided. The Temperance Tarot Card Keywords Upright. Lovers can also take it to the next level. At the same time, there is such a thing as easily giving up on our goals and forgoing our plans for productivity. The Temperance card can often point towards a trustworthy and reliable person who is able to listen and be there for you. Are you constantly on edge? Look forward to a wholesome and pleasant time with your loved one. It is the calm guiding voice from deep within our soul with the advice to be kind, honest, and warm-hearted. In reference to a specific career, this card could suggest a stressful and high-risk environment. Numerology of The Ace of Wands. Stay safe. Theyre dealing with any logistical or financial constraints with patience. The Knight of Wands tarot card urges you to pursue your goals with confidence. It is cataclysmic and terrifying. . You seem unstable and unpredictable, claiming one thing at one moment, then rooting for the exact opposite. They encapsulate dreamy far-away places, philosophy, and also the energy of abundance. Dont be! Stabilizing your energy and allowing the life force to flow within you without effort or resistance is what you're being asked to do. Therefore, you should prepare yourself for a slight disappointment. If you have had relationship difficulties recently, Temperance indicates you and your partner will resolve any problems coming in between you harmoniously and that your union is on solid ground. If you are interested in getting a psychic reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. Your person could seem both temperamental and cold, and this is understandably confusing. In the past position, Temperance indicates that your ability to work harmoniously with others while balancing the material and spiritual elements in your life has had a profound affect on your life to date. In the reversed position, the Temperance card shows that you may be struggling with focusing on long-term goals and may be feeling stuck or unmotivated. Love Tarot Reading. The Temperance card is all about guidance and emotional restraint. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. As an action card, Temperance encourages you to work on your well-being. My track record illustrates years of successful people-centered, high . Where you live will be your sanctuary, and you will find comfort there. Reforging Glory. All in all, the cards advice would be to stay calm and grounded without letting the others words or deeds affect your feelings. correct answers: -Andrew Jackson. It advises you to achieve a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. It's a card of alchemy. Youre not seeing your own faults, or perhaps the other side is not ready nor willing to resolve this conflict. The zodiac sign that is associated with the Temperance card is Sagittarius. Temperance reversed warns you that you are not being as patient as you should be. However, you could certainly stand to be a little more flush, so dont be shy about going out and chasing any promising financial opportunities that come your way. Collected and composed, they manage to enjoy the beauty of life in their own way, without excessively indulging in pleasures or vices. Communication is hindered, differences spark arguments, and conflicting feelings muddy your perception. Even when bad feelings arise, Temperance teaches us to try and add a new value to them: add love to hate, equanimity to anger, security to stress. Reversed keyword meanings: Imbalance, chaos . They value them and want to work or spend time with them. In the future position, Temperance foretells harmony and health. Theyre attracted to your prudence, thoughtfulness, and patience. Your priorities should be your health and peace of mind. Hopefully, persevering throughout this period will end in an even stronger relationship. The peace and quiet of the previous environment is gone, replaced by a lively and energetic atmosphere. The situation may involve groups or projects falling apart and becoming less unified. Walk the middle path. The Fool. Really ask yourself why you may be upset, why the situation has occurred, and what you can do about it. Either way, the Temperance card counsels finding the middle road. Sometimes, the only way to be in control is to let go of such control. Whatever the situation, this has thrown you and your life off-balance. Here is a summary of our conversation. Although Temperance is a favorable card and can reflect contentment in your career if you're looking to grow, Temperance may not be so great for other matters. Humility is a position of strength that allows us to treat others with respect because we have self-respect. It makes you a person who hopefully is able to acknowledge that they need to take a rest and sort it out. However, the Temperance card also asks for balance. These halos represent spiritual enlightenment, indicating that one has to follow their current path to conclusion if one is to receive the light. Temperance avoids extremes and prefers the middle way. You may have experienced a blow-up recently. That simply means that, if they arent willing to meet you on common ground, better shift your attention to those who would be glad to do so. Its all water under the bridge. Temperance reversed means that you fail to moderate your emotions and your temper. So whilst this card advises you to avoid being a mediator, attempting to always tone down the situation, its meaning reversed also reflects its meaning upright; to stay in control. For your own well-being, let past transgressions slide. Keep your place, observe, and interfere only when you must. You may not notice massive shifts, but you may find that your experience being around them has always been a positive one. C is for Commit to the forgiveness you experience. Sometimes we must get our opinion out there without worrying how it is going to sound. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. Someone who lives by their own rules but could come and go as they please in your life. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. You never know if the conversation could result in hearing pieces of information that could adjust your viewpoint. Temperance Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More. We also could relinquish the matter to God. There are unresolved issues seeping into the relationship dynamic. Patience is waiting calmly for a desired outcome. However, it is still completely up to you whether to enter into this relationship or not. Therefore, you have to work out how you can push past the same-old-same-old so that you can achieve better results. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. Depending on your question, know that all you can do is pull yourself back into balance and try to find a compromise. Even though it can generally be interpreted as a positive tarot card, it's important to keep an eye on the surrounding circumstances and don't make any hasty decisions. Or, you arent going with the flow, and as a result, the universe seems to be flowing against you. In a current relationship, this card brings positive news, as it usually calls for a time of fulfillment and harmony. You will begin to feel much better! JavaScript is disabled. The other cards in the spread can help provide insight into what area this imbalance is affecting. There is no universally agreed-upon scheme for classifying virtues, but most agree that virtues are interrelated with each other to some extent. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. When the Temperance card is drawn to specify another persons opinion of you, they think that you are sublime, yet modest and grounded. Avoid rushing forward without planning ahead. The Temperance card indicates that you're able to avoid temptation and focus on the opportunities for growth around you. If youve always felt a lot of intense emotion, but have always repressed it or let it out on yourself, perhaps its time to show how you can creatively channel that intensity. Temperance in reversed is a reflection of something that is out of balance and may be causing stress and anxiety. Are you interested in knowing whether a potential mate cares about you? Alone, Temperance represents patience, moderation and compromise. When the Emperor precedes the World card, peace or a ceasefire is possible. The future is not very clear at the moment. Remember that one time when you tried talking to your crush only to jumble your words and make a fool of yourself? Temperance cuts across warmth-based and conscientiousness-based virtues in my scheme. It's often thought of as a card of inaction but it's not; it's element is Fire and that angel isn't inactive, just careful with what she's doing. If youre interested in reconciling, maybe give them time to recenter and ground themselves. If you are in a relationship, you couldnt hope to draw a better card than Temperance. That sounds pretty positive for a 3 months old relationship A case of Opposites Attract maybe, to outsiders the couple would appear as compatible as chalk and cheese and yet they make it work.it just takes a little skill, effort, time and patience.as do all relationships. Proudly made in Austin, TX. All of these require temperance, which is restraint that moderates reactions. She has a golden halo around her head and at the end of the path she is on, there is another. LIBRA (Sept 24 . It's not a card of growth and excitement; it's a card of equilibrium. The elements of fulfillment and harmony, as well as the divine imagery, shows that the answer to your question is positive and divinely assisted. Other movement throughout the history were after the Second Great Awaking, reform movement such as temperance movement against alcohol, and to reduce teetotalers, most women . Lucky Number: 11. Alternatively, this person could be trying to stabilize all areas of their life. Depending on personal experiences also, the card can refer to a place where you feel the most anxiety or stress in, or even where you have to endure the ghosts of past traumas. This is a relationship that can be seen as a perfect fit, as you work extremely well together. In your coming trials work with those around you to find the best way forward. Everything in harmony, where its supposed to be, all is beautiful and peaceful. As a person, Temperance represents someone who has a patient, balanced approach to life and understands the value of compromise. Humility has four parts: As we interact with others, we will often feel provoked to respond out of anger or selfish self-interest instead of other-oriented humility. Drawing it implies that you know who you are, what you want to achieve, and how you plan on realizing your goals. We could swim against the tide, desperate to avoid toppling over the high waterfall and falling to our deaths. The connection between Judgement and Temperance is clear. Granted, this person is not the calmest, but learning to effectively manage impulses or emotions can play greatly in their favor. The scientific studies of forgiveness have shown a couple of important things. The meaning of the Temperance Tarot card is equilibrium. During the time of Temperance, nothing will appear to be happening (in a positive way). Temperance in the outcome position shows that the end result will be favorable. The message from Temperance is a message of moderation and patience. It is time to call a truce with your enemies, to find the middle ground and reconcile any and all differences. It affects thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and opinions and could last for a whole lifetime. It's time to recover your flow and get your life back into order and balance. Looking at the serene image of the card as a reflection of ones feelings leaves no doubt: its about feeling superb! Or, if you think thats not the case, they might be projecting their own insecurities on you. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. Reversed, the Temperance card can refer to plans interrupted, goals crumbling. Temperance is usually a positive indicator in a relationship reading. Temperance reversed in this context means a lack of empathy, interest, and compatibility. The card shows a tower structure in flames, surrounded by clouds and a bolt of lightning. It's also possible that you need a temporary separation from others to figure something out to find your direction. On her robe is a square with a triangle inscribed inside of it, suggestive of a tangible earth in union with the Holy Trinity. Current relationships may be taking a toll on your mental health. However, make sure that your treatment is well-balanced dont discount the benefits of either traditional or holistic medicine, as you dont have to choose one over the other. These are all keywords that can portray what exactly this person thinks of you. Vekke Sind, World Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! Four of Cups and Temperance This combination is a sign that you're ready to abandon the excesses in your life in order to pursue peace. It indicates that youve found yourself and are at peace with the way your life is unfolding. (If you would like more love and relationship Tarot meanings for Temperance, be sure to check out my Love Tarot Meanings E-Book). In a relationship, the Temperance signifies an emotionally mature and balanced relationships. Its those moments that remind us how fragile we are, how easily our inner world can be turned over. With only a focus on the short-term, there can be a lack mindset of easily giving up in the face of challenges or blockages. As women strive for equality within the relationships, . One is Robert Enright's process model. They believe that you try too hard to look calm and cool, but youre easily offended and prone to anger, resulting in awkward atmosphere. One of the most recent is Chris Peterson and Martin Seligman's character strengths and virtues. They trust you, feel safe when next to you, and might even think of you as a role model! Its about compromise, about making a genuine effort to end the conflict and wash past squabbles out with kindness. Like the background in the card itself, aspects of nature, such as flowing water and much greenery, can be suggested. Temperance is favorable for love Tarot readings. Your person especially appreciates your gentle ways and calming energy. The angel pours water between two cups, symbolizing the flow and alchemy of life. Think about whether you are either dwelling on past events or worrying over future events. Card 2 - Temperance An androgynous angel is the first thing you see on the Rider-Waite Temperance card; the angel's appearance suggests an equilibrium between the sexes. The Tower card is the 16 th card of the Major Arcana. This is symbolic of a delicate balance between being grounded in ones energy, yet at the same time being willing to step foot into the free-flowing movement of our human experience. Post by divination and fortune-telling with Tarot for love, romance and relationships. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. This card constitutes a blessing that should not go to waste. When we attempt to compel connections and individuals, it typically backfires. Sure, we want to be our partners confidant and best friend, but not someone to take out their frustrations on. Universe has your back. The function of Mercury is that of the mind in its concrete activities and imparts knowledge, learning, which after all is the beginning or potentiality of all our further relations in this world. Meta-analyses and reviews of these interventions have shown that two have been studied more than others. The two cups she holds in such a way that she can mix or interchange the liquids within them, representing the super and subconscious minds, union and infinity. In general, the Temperance card reversed does not signal harmonious intentions, justified or unjustified. In reverse, Temperance as an action card brings a simple message: dont hold back. Similarly, the freedom-loving Sagittarius is always ready to explore and travel and build their own truth. Make sure that they know a relationship with you isnt going to bring toxicity into their life. A work-life balance can be especially important to you. The Temperance card indicates a long-lasting, harmonious, and stable relationship. Reversed, the Temperance card indicates that this person perceives you to be quite an impulsive or unpredictable person. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. Or was it a music band, where working in a group is more beneficial than working individually? You could feel like youre constantly walking on eggshells. The Tower Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More! Over the millennia, there have been many ways of dividing up the human virtues. You can seek the help of an understanding mentor or friend. Temperance rewards doing the right thing, especially when it is difficult. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. Nevertheless, you still need to reevaluate your relationship to money in order to realize and accept that you need to be more frugal. Reforging Glory. The Fool and The World: Here, first and the last card of Major Arcana comes together, therefore this is a very powerful combination. Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. Appreciate and cherish them. If Temperance is . Temperance reversed indicates that your finances are well-balanced, that you have the right amount of money coming in and going out every month. Perhaps you have endured some sort of suffering or loss; the Temperance card suggests that you are on the path to healing your emotional and physical wounds.