Imperialism in Puerto Rico (Berkeley, CA, 2002); Katherine T. McCaffrey, Military Power and Popular Protest: The U.S. Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico (New Brunswick, NJ, 2002); Noenoe K. Silva, Aloha Betrayed: Native Hawaiian Resistance to American Colonialism (Durham, NC, 2004); Warwick Anderson, Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines (Durham, NC, 2006); Paul A. Kramer, The Blood of Government: Race, Empire, the United States, and the Philippines (Chapel Hill, NC, 2006); Julian Go, American Empire and the Politics of Meaning Elite Political Cultures and the Philippines and Puerto Rico during U.S. Colonialism (Durham, NC, 2008); Julie Greene, The Canal Builders: Making Americas Empire at the Panama Canal (New York, 2009); Jana K. Lipman, Guantnamo: A Working-Class History between Empire and Revolution (Berkeley, CA, 2009); Alfred W. McCoy, Policing Americas Empire: The United States, the Philippines and the Rise of the Surveillance State (Madison, WI, 2009); Anne L. Foster, Projections of Power: The United States and Europe in Colonial Southeast Asia (Durham, NC, 2010); Lanny Thompson, Imperial Archipelago: Representation and Rule in the Insular Territories under U.S. Dominion after 1898 (Honolulu, HI, 2010); and Julian Go, Patterns of Empire: The British and American Empires, 1688 to the Present (Cambridge, 2011). Zone in Germany (17,174): figures from October 1946 census reported in The Demography of War: Germany, Population Index 14 (1948): 299; Continental United States (132,481): Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970 (Washington, DC: 1975), part I, 8. 1845. Our narratives register not only the black experience but, moreover, the ways in which the changing position of African Americans drove key episodes in national history. All rights reserved. Calculated from figures in Franklin K. Van Zandt, Boundaries of the United States and the Several States (Washington, DC, 1966), 26264 and Thomas Donaldson, The Public Domain: Its History, with Statistics (Washington, DC, 1884), 8788. Dorr v. United States , 195 U.S. 138, 155 (1904) (Harlan, J. M., dissenting). That figure excludes secret bases and some bases smaller than ten acres. This is a United States territorial acquisitions and conquests list, . On average, places that began as territories on the continent took forty-five years to achieve statehood. Counting Negroes on the mainland, American Samoa, Hawai'i, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Alaska; nonwhites in Puerto Rico; Negro and Negro-mixed in the Panama Canal Zone; and no one in the Philippines and Guam (for which racial breakdowns were not incorporated into the U.S. census) places U.S. blacks at 8.85% of the population. The literature on U.S. empire is truly voluminous. See also Christina Duffy Burnett, The Edges of Empire and the Limits of Sovereignty: American Guano Islands, American Quarterly 57 (2005): 779803 and Gregory T. Cushman, Guano and the Opening of the Pacific World: A Global Ecological History (Cambridge, 2013). But he grew disillusioned and turned against the U.S. government, becoming, in the words of J. Edgar Hoover (who held him under surveillance for three decades), the guiding light of Puerto Rican nationalism. Albizus long career defies easy summary. The threewestern territories, overseas territories, and foreign basesfit together in overlapping but chronologically distinct arcs. xTnI}nw(qA0!`%vl@$;;cTT\\^>HBJJI^IFBUv;_A?HP//4 p"1 At the same time, the Greater United States expanded through occupationsthe Japanese, South Korean, German, and Austrian occupations all extended into the postwar period. On U.S. military calculations in the reconquest of the Philippines, see Richard Connaughton, John Pimlott, and Duncan Anderson, The Battle for Manila (London, 1995). for $15 million, including assumed claims, Purchased from Spain Paul Kramer, in his portrait of the United States as a nation-based empire, presents a significantly modified version of the Williams thesis that is skeptical of the clean formal/informal distinction: Power and Connection: Imperial Histories of the United States in the World, American Historical Review 116, no. These were, it is important to state, not novelty maps. On Hawaiian statehood in this regard, see Sarah Miller-Davenport, State of the New: Hawaii Statehood and Global Decolonization in American Culture, 19451978 (Ph.D. The Historical Office of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) dates to 1949. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, . Includes notes and statistics table including population and distances. There is a K-8 school named after him in Harlem: P.S. chemical weapon disposal site, Purchased from Russia Purchase from Mexico following military victory; $15 million plus 3.25 million in assumed claims. The country claimed 94 such islands . If you have any questions please let me know.! Congress approved the annexation of Texas on February 28, 1845. Texas. Major accounts include Federico Ribes Tovar, Albizu Campos: Puerto Rican Revolutionary , trans. The story of western expansion is, of course, well known. It is tempting to think that the overseas territories can be safely dismissed in this way because they were small and remote. That list includes some of the most written-about figures in U.S. history: John Pershing, George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower. 29. 2 0 obj Zone in Austria (2,650): John D. Hilldring, American Policy in Occupied Areas (Washington, DC: 1947), 24; U.S. Purchase from Mexico following American-Mexican War; $15 million plus 3.25 million in assumed claims. 32 And it included the internment of Alaska Natives from the Aleutian Islands by the U.S. government. Palins husband, an Alaska Native, was for years a registered member of the Alaska Independence Party. Value of merger and acquisition deals in the United States from 2006 to 3rd quarter 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars) Premium Statistic Number of M&A deals in the U.S. 2000-2021 You notice that Pearl Harbor was not just an isolated attack on one patch of U.S. soil but a blitzkrieg directed at U.S. and British colonial holdings in the Pacific. Diplomatic History used to be like that. It had also laid claim to nearly all of Micronesia. Only in Hawaii, Midway, and Howland did the vagaries of the international date line place the attack on December 7th. : The Evolution of Territoriality in American Law (Oxford, 2009); and Gerald L. Neuman and Tomiko Brown-Nagin, eds., Reconsidering the Insular Cases: The Past and Future of American Empire (Cambridge, MA, 2015). The Library of Congress has accepted an estimate of one million Filipino fatalities, which also circulates in the Philippines. But to think of the United States as having an informal empire only would be to miss something important. The most thorough account of Hawaiian martial law is Harry N. Scheiber and Jane L. Scheiber, Bayonets in Paradise: A Half-Century Retrospect on Martial Law in Hawaii, 19411946, University of Hawaii Law Review 19 (1997): 477648. Besides the histories of military bases listed above, exemplary studies of small spaces include Ron Robins examination of embassies and cemeteries in Enclaves of America: The Rhetoric of American Political Architecture Abroad, 19001965 (Princeton, NJ, 1992); John Lindsay-Polands portrait of San Jose Island in Emperors in the Jungle: The Hidden History of the U.S. in Panama (Durham, NC, 2003), ch. Annexation of independent republic. 41. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]. 40 By the time Alaska and Hawaii became states in 1959, the proportion of people living under U.S. jurisdiction but outside of the states had fallen from 51% to around 2%, and it has hovered between 1% and 3% ever since. It was entitled Greater United States. 19. The mission of the historical office is to collect, preserve, and present the history of the Office of . Most U.S. historians, especially when working on the zoomed-out, textbook level, implicitly take as their unit of analysis only a part of the United States, the contiguous part. 31 Over the course of the war, Japan attacked every inhabited Pacific colony that the United States held, and it occupied the Philippines, Guam, Wake, and part of Alaska. Dean Kohlhoff, When the Wind Was a River: Aleut Evacuation in World War II (Seattle, WA, 1995) and Jennifer Sepez, Christina Package, Patricia E. Malcolm, and Amanda Poole, Unalaska, Alaska: Memory and Denial in the Globalization of the Aleutian Landscape, Polar Geography 30 (2007): 193209. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, rev. Today, we are in a similar position. Perhaps not coincidentally, this was precisely the time when the Wisconsin School developed its understanding of U.S. empire as an informal undertaking. 31. The total area of U.S. overseas bases is reported in Department of Defense, Base Structure ReportFiscal Year 2015 Baseline: A Summary of the Real Property Inventory, Washington, DC, 2015, 84. It would be hard to disagree with the Wisconsin-School assertion that U.S. global power rests on foundations other than territorial control. We destroyed roads, public buildings, and bridges. of the United States UNITED STATES 1898 1895 Ishorten L GUATEMAL CARAGUA Guam PANTALLA SOUTH AMERICA N Canal In the Philippines, the United States abandoned its initial strategy of engaging Japanese forces on the ground for one of bombing and shelling suspected Japanese targets from afar. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that a full census of all the people who lived under U.S. jurisdiction at the wars endresidents of the states, colonies, and occupied zonesreveals the astonishing fact that the majority (51%) lived outside of the continental United States. The tacit assumption is that the empire didnt matter for what came next. Frank Ninkovich offers an overview of the historiography in The United States and Imperialism, in Robert D. Schulzinger, ed., A Companion to American Foreign Relations (Malden, MA, 2003), 79102. Bicknell, E. (1904) The territorial acquisitions of the United States, -1904, an historical review. Shattuc, W. B. 2. Then there is the Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School in the mass-produced suburb of Levittown. A helpful account of the Wisconsin School is Morgans Into New Territory . Treaty of Paris For a comparable historiographical concept, see Gary Wilders notion of Greater France in The Imperial Nation-State: Negritude and Colonialism Humanism between the Two World Wars (Chicago, IL, 2005). In World War I, inspired by Wilsonian rhetoric of self-determination, Albizu served as a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. In 2000, the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York was dedicated to Albizu (and to the struggle of Vieques against the U.S. Navy). For a fuller picture of how colonial encounters might change larger narratives of U.S. history, consider the Second World War. According to U.S. Bureau of the Census, Reports on Population, Sixteenth Census of the United States: 1940 , vol. The independent United Stated flirted with the idea of annexing Cuba from the time of Thomas Jefferson's' administration. ^ a b c d e f g h i j World Atlas. 1846. I jokingly describe this to my students as the Menacing Eagle School of History, after the many books in this vein whose covers depict eagles attacking the globe. Perpetual Foreigners: Chinese Americans and the U.S. 14. Herbert E. Bolton, The Epic of Greater America, American Historical Review 38, no. Books appeared with intriguing titles: The Greater Republic (1899), The Greater United States (1904), and seven books whose titles contained the phrase Greater America published in the decade following the 1898 war. To get a better sense of this, consider the historiographic fate of the Philippines, the largest U.S. colony by an order of magnitude, in our most prominent historical journals. Municipal annexation is a process by which a municipality expands its boundaries into nearby, usually adjacent, unincorporated areas. 1848. 1. Oregon Territory. Mexican Cession. 18. On the eve of the Second World War, the United States had the worlds fifth-largest empire on the planet by population. To the story of the United States attempt to encompass Indians within its territorial framework should be added the story of the United States grappling with self-constituted Indian polities, on which see Brian DeLay, Indian Polities, Empire, and the History of American Foreign Relations, Diplomatic History 39, no. ;?={9+;5[?|XI'UX7ZJA'%N7:B5nbuYq"Q13JLhd ), 32 Sherman's march to the sea LC Civil War maps (2nd R. O. Evans and Company - Robertson, H. C. National expansion under the Constitution; or, Despotic power versus delegated authority. For a sustained engagement by a Wisconsin-School historian with formal imperialism, see Walter LaFeber, The Panama Canal: The Crisis in Historical Perspective , rev. This was not a freak event. But that assumption is becoming increasingly hard to hold. Historians have rightly come to understand such sovereignty challenges as important components of U.S. history rather than as foreign episodes that lie outside the purview of the United States. This was a war, not over latitudes but points, in which particular spots on the mapthe Green Zone in Iraq, black-site prisons sprinkled throughout foreign countries, Guam, Guantnamo Bay, the all-important military base of Diego Garciatook on outsize significance. 26. silhouette was completed in 1853, with the Gadsden Purchase. independent as Republic of the Marshall The profession of liberty (the eagle), the reality of domination (the grasping talons)both parts are important to the notion of informal empire. Law Club (Chicago, Ill.) - Smith, Howard Leslie. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. United States--Territorial expansion. Pdf. With that, the United States was no longer a union of states alone but an amalgam of states and territories , which it has been ever since. 42, More to the point, even as the United States was partially divesting from colonies, it was consolidating its investments in a new form of territory: military bases. 1846. (Lincoln, NE, 1984), esp. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. All instructions are in the template file. It also shows the Philippines, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Wake Island, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the Panama Canal Zone in boxes. The territorial acquisitions of the United States, 1787-1904, an historical review, - Gift; Howard Roscoe; 1997. What we rarely acknowledge is how much territory the U.S. also held by the wars end. By then, it had reclaimed its Pacific colonies from Japan. 33, Furthermore, the Japanese-occupied parts of the United States became a Pacific bloodlands. sovereign, self-governing republic, United Nations Trust Territory; in 1986 became a Caveat: 1945, occurring between decennial census enumerations in the U.S. mainland and at the end of a destabilizing war everywhere else, was not the best year for accurate population counts. 2; Rebecca Lemov on Micronesia as a social scientific laboratory in World as Laboratory: Experiments with Mice, Mazes, and Men (New York, 2005), ch. <> 1857-1904 - Other Gains in the Pacific The United States government intervened in other parts of the Pacific at the same time that events played out in the Spanish-American War. Following are the historical territorial acquisitions of the United States : For information on internal territorial acquisitions, see List of U.S.-Native American treaties . One thinks of Teddy Roosevelt achieving national fame by charging up San Juan Heights in Cuba, William Howard Tafts terms as governor-general in the Philippines and then Secretary of War (with supervision over the colonies), Daniel Burnhams ambitious urban plans for Manila and Baguio, Margaret Meads fieldwork in American Samoa, and New Dealer Rexford Tugwells governorship of Puerto Rico. 7. The Greater United States is not my term. Consider Williamss Empire as a Way of Life , a 226-page survey of U.S. imperial ambitions that engages in no substantive discussion of any overseas territory. This was not just a war to defend the sovereignty of countries in Europe and Asia. It languished as a territory for 104 years between annexation and statehood. Thus, in these cases of partial annexation, I use 1803 as the start date for LA, MN, ND, SD, MT, OK, and WY; 1845 as the start date for CO and NM; and 1848 as the start date for AZ. California filled with whites and transitioned from military rule to statehood in two years. Not in the sense of endorsing the Courts opinion, but in adhering to the Courts understanding about what parts of the United States are in the country and what parts arent. 28 And the annexations continued: Alaska (1867), the 189899 acquisitions (Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, American Samoa), the Panama Canal Zone (1903), the Virgin Islands (1917), and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1947). 11. Writers, too, registered the change, as they cast about for new ways to refer to the country. Search for other works by this author on: The Author 2016. It was when the Viet Minh attacked the French air base at Dien Bien Phu, which ultimately pulled the United States into the Vietnam War. 29,670. That narrative, I would argue, only makes sense if you dont count the colonies as parts of the United States. United States--Foreign relations, - As a result of the United States' multiple acquisitionsincluding Hawaii and the Philippinesduring the late 1800s, the period is referred to by some as the nation's age of U.S. _____. 529,189. The final map in the series showed the United States full territorial extent. The problem is not, I hasten to add, a lack of available information. At its establishment in 1834, Indian Territory extended from the top of present-day Texas to the Canadian border and from the Mississippi to the Rockies. The premier biography of Albizu is Marisa Rosado, Pedro Albizu Campos: Las Llamas de la Aurora , 2nd ed. Pdf. 3 Albizu founded Puerto Ricos Army of Liberation in the 1930s. Cover title. Congress rejected the proposal, though, partly to avoid the prospect of Indian representatives in the Capitol. Boston, Small, Maynard & company, 1904. 29 Its remarkable, in fact, how many key figures in U.S. history sojourned in the overseas territories. It culminated in nationalists firing shots at the governors mansion in San Juan and in a very-nearly-successful assassination attempt on President Harry Truman in Washington, D.C. Reporter and political insider Drew Pearson cited the attempt on Trumans life as one of the reasons that Truman didnt run for re-election. They had even more people in the past. The United States continued to hold colonies after World War II, hence the Puerto Rican Uprising of 1950 and House shooting of 1954. Or jump ahead to the 2008 presidential election, which pitted Barack Obama, a Hawaiian (born shortly after Hawaii became a state), against John McCain, a Zonian (i.e., born in the Panama Canal Zone), and Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska. If California was one end of the spectrum, Oklahoma was the other. The figure I have given for the black population attempts to account for black people throughout the Greater United States, not just on the mainland. After all, many groups have contested U.S. rule, from Southern confederates to black nationalists. Despite a great deal of research that has been donewithin American Studies departments, within history departmentscolonized people and overseas territories still rarely feature in broad narratives about the United States. Adding Texas and Vermont to the pool yields an average time-to-statehood of 42 years. 37, To that accounting should be added the overseas military bases that the United States took during the warthe third arc in the history of the Greater United States. United States Acquisitions and Annexations, 1857-1904 United States positions (with date of acquiunion) 1047 Spheres of Influence On Indian Territory, alternatively known as Indian Country: Roy Gittinger, The Formation of the State of Oklahoma, 18031906 (Norman, OK, 1939); Francis Paul Prucha, The Great Father: The United States and the American Indians , 2 vols. Not only have we learned to tell the history of these places, but weve gone back and realized the importance of other small spaces: including Vieques, Baguio, Kwajalein, and the Bikini atoll. 3 (1933): 44874. In 1898, the rush of imperial expansion encouraged a new understanding of the United States as the Greater United States. Acquisition may refer to: . Supporters of expansion denied that the United States sought to annex foreign lands. [from old catalog] Created / Published Boston, Small, Maynard & company, 1904. 41. Geographical crumbs is what Neil Smith called them in his book American Empire . But thats not it. W.B. The map shows the thirteen original states and the territories acquired in 1783, the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803, Florida purchased from Spain in 1819, the Texas annexation in 1845, the Oregon Country acquired by the treaty with Great Britain in 1846, the Mexican cession of western territories in . Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. [Pdf] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, The territorial acquisitions of the United States, 1787-1904, an historical review, Names Bicknell, Edward. 35. In the rest of the theater, it occurred on December 8th. In the span of only a few years, the United States had increased its size exponentially with the contentious annexation of Texas in 1845, the 1846 Oregon Treaty with Great Britain for half of the Oregon Country; and acquired California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming as a result of the Mexican-American War