Clan del Golfo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Drug kingpin Dairo Usuga David arrested in Colombia [56] At this time, it was also revealed that military operations which had been carried out in the Colombian regions of Antioquia, Atlntico, Crdoba and Sucre had significantly diminished the influence of the Clan del Golfo. Colombia: muere lder del Clan del Golfo - Telemundo Orlando (31) More cocaine is coming out of Colombia than at the height of Pablo Escobar's power Credit: Getty. Alias 'La Negra' estaba encargada de las finanzas del grupo criminal [] UU.", escribi en su momento el presidente. Nini Johana suga, alias "La Negra", hermana del capo del narco colombiano Dairo Antonio suga ("Otoniel)", recluido en Estados Unidos, fue extraditada este viernes al pas norteamericano . Suscrbete ya! Dicha organizacin, lleg a contar con ms de 3.500 hombres activos y con capacidad de traficar hasta 20 toneladas de cocana al mes. Tenemos la certeza de que el mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo y Chiquito Malo, segundo en la lnea criminal, dieron la orden, seal el general Vargas. The 39-year-old Nini Johana Usuga David, alias "La Negra," is accused of belonging to a transnational drug-trafficking organization and also of "bolstering the illicit revenues" that the Clan del Golfo - Colombia's most powerful criminal outfit - received from the drug trade, that law enforcement agency added. En medio de la diligencia, alias la Negra detall que se hizo cargo del mantenimiento de bienes inmuebles adquiridos con dineros ilcitos. According to the police, she was stashing money in her brother's . El proceso de extradicin empez pasadas las 8:00 de la maana. Suramrica, Cdigo Postal: 111321. More cocaine is coming out of Colombia than at the height of Pablo Escobar's power Credit: Getty. Otoniel's sister, Nini Johana Usuga, who was . En tierras aztecas se destac como jugador y hoy es entrenador del Mazatln FC. Colombia.- Un juez de EEUU libera a 'La Negra', hermana de 'Otoniel', y Not all U.S. presidents are missed once they leave the White House. Es hijo de una humilde familia campesina compuesta por su padre Juan de Dios Usuga Orrego y su recin fallecida madre Ana Celsa David. The 39-year-old woman, known by the alias 'La Negra,' had been . View the profiles of people named Nini Johana Usuga. Colombia captures Otoniel, drug kingpin and gang leader Authorities say Otoniel, 50, is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of members of Colombia's security forces. Cocaine traffickers had long competed with the FARC for territory and influence in the Eastern Plains. The many daring ways drug lords escape from prison Requerida por una corte de Florida, haba sido capturada en 2021. [67], In 2012 the Gulf Clan also got into conflict with The Office of Envigado over the drug trade in Medelln. COPYRIGHT 2023 EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial NIT. This release, however, was not supposed to happen: The Colombian media . Entre ellos figura su hermana Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', solicitada por la justicia estadounidense. On September 1, 2017, the second-in-command of the Gulf Clan (alias Gaviln[31][32] ) was killed during a shootout with police. How deadly Clan Del Golfo cartel boss ruled gang with glam 'clone [68], In 2017 the Gulf Clan begun a "pistol plan" against the police officers because one of their leaders was killed. Quin es Dairo Antonio suga David, alias Otoniel? Nini Johana suga es hermana de 'Otoniel'. What is helping the Clan compete so far is their military discipline: so far they have proved immune to the kind of infighting tearing apart the Paisas or the Oficina. His brother Dario Antonio suga David alias "Otoniel", afterward succeeded him as head of the cartel. [39] He is a brother of Otenial and was reported to have taken over the cartel's financial operations following the arrest of their sister Nini Johana in December 2013. Nini Johana Usuga David "La Negra" sister of drug trafficker Dairo Antonio suga David, better known as "Otoniel, former leader of the Clan del Golfo, was extradited by Colombia to the United States, accused of drug trafficking and money laundering. Colombia extradites accused drug cartel leader's sister to U.S [42], In March 2020, Marihuano was revealed to be living in the Darin Jungle in cabins he built himself. Authorities seize Dairo Antonio suga David, wey also dey. Otoniel Dairo Antonio Usuga Wikipedia; Otoniel doesn't have a Wikipedia page, but because of his criminal record, he's been the subject of numerous pieces on the web and in social media. elgelos! [7][15], In June 2020, the Colombian National Police revealed that former Los Rastrojos member Marlon Gregorio Celis Caballero, alias 'Loquillo or Felipe', had become the new leader of the Clan del Golfo by April 2020. BOGOT Las autoridades colombianas confirmaron el mircoles que fue encontrado sin vida uno de los principales cabecillas que quedaron al mando del crtel Clan del Golfo, luego de la captura y extradicin a Estados Unidos del que fuera su mximo jefe Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Otoniel". an hour ago Italy has arrested three people who they believe trafficked up to. [1] Both Pueblo, who is an suga family relative,[1] and Ciquito Malo were high ranking on the declining list of potential successors to Cuarentano. Dairo Antonio Usuga "Otoniel" David is photographed with Colombian military soldiers after being captured, in Necocli, Colombia, October 23, 2021. . The 39-year-old Nini Johana Usuga David, alias La Negra, is accused of belonging to a transnational drug-trafficking organization and also of bolstering the illicit revenues that the Clan del Golfo Colombias most powerful criminal outfit received from the drug trade, that law enforcement agency added. The group's power base is currently in the Antioquia, Sucre and Crdoba departments, with a presence in various other departments and regions in the country including major cities such as Medelln and Bogot. Clan del Golfo - Wikipedia Colombian police capture sister of Clan del Golfo leader Otoniel Otoniel, who was captured last October, was extradited in May to New York City, where he faces charges that include participating in an international conspiracy to manufacture and distribute cocaine, knowing and intending that the narcotics would be illegally imported into the United States.. Quin es Astrid Bibiana Rodrguez, la nueva MinDeporte? BOGOT - Colombian authorities confirmed on Wednesday that one of the main leaders of the Clan del Golfo cartel was found dead, after the capture and extradition to the United States of its head boss Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Othniel". In less than six years, Otoniel has seen at least 16 relatives captured, usually in joint police and military operations. Proceso de extradicin de Nini Johana suga. [49][46] On May 29, 2020, the Carlos Vazquez fraction's weapons supplier Jhon Olmedo Ramirez, alias "Guajiro," was captured along with 9,000 rifle cartridges, a van, 10 suppliers of long-range weapons and 2 cell phones. El Dorado Cr. Noticias 24/7 de Sucre, el Caribe, Colombia y el mundo. Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, fue extraditada el 1. Da Mundial de la Obesidad: qu riesgos para la salud tiene esta enfermedad? La extradicin de Dairo Hoy alias La negra, hermana de Otoniel, pagar por delitos de narcotrfico desde una crcel en Estados Unidos. UU. Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias 'Otoniel', ya se encuentra en camino a Estados Unidos, donde es requerida por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida por delitos relacionados con el narcotrfico. [57] On October 15, 2020, one of two Clan del Golfo members who killed a man at a car wash located in the Yal department in Antioquia was killed by the members of the Colombian National Army, while the other was captured. EXTRADITADA! Hermana de Otoniel a Estados Unidos Sobre las 8:30 de la maana, de este viernes, se materializ en cabeza de Interpol Colombia el proceso de extradicin a los Estados Unidos de Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', hermana del tambin extraditado mximo cabecilla del 'Clan del Golfo' Dairo Antonio suga, alias 'Otoniel'. - novedades del sector automotriz, - toda la informacin para padres, - consulte antes de comprar, - videos de entretenimiento, - carreras profesionales, 'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura), 'Ivn Mrquez': se conocen nuevos detalles de su situacin en Venezuela), Extraditan a EE. It is currently one of the more ambitious and ruthless of Colombia's drug trafficking organizations (DTOs). Though extradition was abolished in 1991 in Colombia, Congress restored it just six years later. El primer ministro Li Keqiang expres ante la Asamblea Nacional Popular que el ejrcito debe impulsar su preparacin para el combate y sus capacidades militares para lograr las tareas encomendadas por el Partido Comunista, Una de las mujeres ms importantes para el desarrollo de la cultura y el arte en Colombia durante el siglo XX. Conoce esta herramienta digital, Karol G dio el motivo por el que se retira de los escenarios, no hay marcha atrs, Muri La Tigresa Irma Serrano, famosa actriz y cantante mexicana. Este viernes se cumple la extradicin de Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, hermana de 'Otoniel', el mximo jefe del 'clan del Golfo'. Fue extraditada a #EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel'. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. Revolcn ministerial: cambios en Educacin, Deportes y Cultura, Reforma a la salud: Gobierno abre la puerta a modificaciones del proyecto, Bundesliga: Bayern Mnich cumple en Stuttgart y se mantiene en el liderato, Remontada azul! Estas son las nuevas tendencias del lenguaje en la msica urbana, Fiscala ya tom el caso de familiares del presidente Petro, Ministro Nstor Osuna: Tenemos un Sistema Penal que no repara a las vctimas, Nini Johana suga, hermana de alias Otoniel, qued en libertad en EEUU, Un juez de garantas envi a la crcel a la exfiscal Ana Noguera. . Alias Otoniel se declar inocente ante la justicia de Estados Unidos. [60] Four Colombians and one Honduran on the submarine which contained the cocaine hydrochloride were arrested as well. [43] On April 25, 2020, cartel leader Gustavo Adolfo lvarez Tllez, who was one of Colombia's most wanted drug lords and also had a bounty of up to 580 million pesos for his capture, was arrested at his lavish estate in Ceret while holding a party under quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. These include zones with natural seaports along the Caribbean coast, or areas where coca base must be bought, like Caucasia or Taraz in Antioquia (InSight has also heard reports of an Urabeo cell in Medelln). (Reporting by Luis Jaime AcostaWriting by Oliver Griffin; editing by Grant McCool and Richard Chang), Tags: Colombia, United States, South America. However, the origins of the group can be traced elsewhere, in Colombia's Eastern Plains, where Daniel Rendn Herrera, better known as Don Mario, once handled finances for the paramilitary group Bloque Centauros. (Le sugerimos leer:Estafas: los 4 mensajes que ms usan los ladrones, si le llegan, no los abra)Posteriormente, en 2021 fue capturada nuevamente para dar cumplimiento a la solicitud de extradicin por parte de EE. By 2004, the fierce war between the ACC and the Centauros had left an estimated 3,000 people dead. Nini Johana suga David - RCN Radio Nini Johana suga, conocida como alias 'La Negra', era la encargada de las finanzas del Clan del Golfo a partir del lavado de activos y encales internacionales para el envo de cocana a otros. [40] On August 18, 2021, Colombia security forces arrested Luis Daniel Santan Hernndez, alias Machete. For the "Clan del Golfo," before named "Los Urabeos" from Urab, the northwestern region near the Panamanian border is highly prized by drug traffickers as it offers access to the Caribbean and Pacific coast, from the departments of Antioquia and Choc. Est acusada, entre otras cosas, de haber lavado dinero obtenido por el grupo narcoparamilitar del Clan del Golfo, una de los mayor grupos armados ilegales del . Shortly afterward, Arroyave was ambushed and killed by his former allies, including Pedro Oliveiro Guerrero, alias Cuchillo.. La instruccin dada al general Fernando Murillo, director de la Dijn, es que de manera articulada con la Fiscala General de la Nacin, se le logren imputar a Otoniel los homicidios de nuestros policas ocurridos en los ltimos das en distintos lugares de Colombia. [46][47][48] On May 27, 2020, the leader of the cartel's Carlos Vazquez fraction, identified as "Fabian," and seven of his associates were arrested. The current front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination cycled through familiar grievances and portrayed himself as the only person who could save the country from a doom-and-gloom future. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. La manera ms rapida para ponerte al da. Drug trafficking and the war on drugs are major contributors to Colombia's armed conflict, according to a report this week from the country's truth commission, which was established as part of a 2016 peace deal with the now demobilized FARC guerrillas. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. Quin es Aurora Vergara, nueva ministra de Educacin? [1] Members of Clan del Golfo who served as liaisons with other Colombian drug cartels were among those arrested. [50] On May 28, 2020, notorious Gulf Clan hitman Yelson Andres Mes Perez, alias "Yeisito," and also the woman arrested with him were jailed. (Por contexto, lo invitamos a leer:'Alto, soy 'Otoniel', no me maten': detalles inditos de su captura). When Freddy Rendn chose to demobilize in 2006, his brother Don Mario seized the opportunity to expand his drug trafficking operations in the Urab gulf. The Clan del Golfo (English: The Gulf Clan), also known as Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia AGC) and formerly called Los Urabeos and Clan suga, is a prominent Colombian neo-paramilitary group and currently the country's largest drug cartel. The United States is offering a $5 million reward for information that leads to the capture of Otoniel, who is accused of trafficking hundreds of tonnes of cocaine to the North American country, while Colombia is offering just over $800,000. BOGOTA - Nini Johana Usuga, sister of Dairo Antonio Usuga, an accused Colombian drug trafficker and leader of the Clan del Golfo criminal group, was extradited to the United States on Friday, Colombian police said. Servicios pblicos: suspenden decreto de regulacin de Petro Bogot D.C., Colombia. Arezzo is a bargain hunter's paradise.Every first Sunday of the month and the Saturday before, piazza Grande, the city's main square, is packed with over 500 stalls, spilling out onto the side streets and alleyways. . *Este no es un correo electrnico vlido. Gustavo Petro respetar no tener control de servicios [16] On June 26, 2020, it was revealed that the Clan del Golfo had started a direct conflict with FARC dissidents called Operation Mil and dispatched 1,000 of its paramilitaries from Urab, southern Crdoba and Choc to remove FARC dissents from northern Antioquia and control the entire municipality of Ituango. Nini Johana suga, hermana de alias 'Otoniel, fue - YouTube [25] In a surprising display of strength, the Gulf Clan organized a series of coordinated strikes protesting his deaths in northern Antioquia, handing out fliers which referred to the group's former name, the Gaitanista Self-Defense Forces. The Antiques Fair, the oldest one in Italy, draws huge crowds, sometimes up to 30,000 visitors, both locals and tourists alike, all looking for unique items. A collection of moments during and after Barack Obama's presidency. By "sponsoring" other low-level gangs, this group has been able to maintain small, select cells of highly disciplined men in the field, responsible for ever-larger swathes of territory. Abogado de EEUU es sentenciado a cadena perpetua por asesinar a su esposa e hijo, No olviden a los pases ms pobres!, exigi alta representante de ONU, Canad permiti a una compaa producir y vender cocana, Falleci a los 89 aos Wayne Shorter, una de las leyendas del jazz, Protestas e indignacin en Grecia, mientras crece la cifra de muertos por choque de trenes, Colombia firm acuerdo para proteger reservas naturales del Pacfico Tropical, Hipoptamos de Pablo Escobar sern trasladados a Mxico, Estas son las medidas que se decretaron tras la alerta ambiental que vive Bogot, Calidad del aire en Bogot se ve afectada por incendios forestales en la Orinoqua, La iniciativa en Antioquia que une a los recicladores y a la literatura. Sin embargo, en 2014 se haba fugado de la crcel donde estaba recluida tras falsificar unos documentos. Colombia: They find dead the leader of the Clan del Golfo, who replaced Dairo Antonio suga David naci en Necocl, Antioquia, el 15 de septiembre de 1971. He pleaded not guilty to the charges in federal court in New York. [40] Nini Jhoana suga, alias La Negra, would be recaptured during these arrests. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Nini Johana suga David, alias la Negra, alcanz un preacuerdo con la justicia de EEUU, aceptando cargos por narcotrfico y comprometindose a colaborar en distintas investigaciones que siguen abiertas. Incluso, la Negra se comprometi a entregar y dar informacin sobre los bienes y propiedades obtenidos de manera ilegal por la organizacin. Nini Johana suga David "La Negra", hermana del n arcotraficante Dairo Antonio suga David, mejor conocido como "Otoniel, exlder del Clan del Golfo, fue extraditada por Colombia a Estados. "[66], On January 5, 2012, the organization launched an armed strike in much of northern Colombia to protest the killing of their leader 'Giovanni'. Sabemos que te gusta estar siempre informado. Usuga es hermana del . A la hermana del capo 'Otoniel' la sealan de manejar las finanzas de la familia suga David y del 'clan del Golfo'.De hecho, la primera vez que la capturaron, en 2013,llevaba 23.000 millones de pesos en efectivo, al parecer para pagar la nmina de los integrantes de la red criminal.En 2014 se fug pero fue recapturada y condenada a 9 aos de crcel por concierto para delinquir agravado, lavado de activos; fabricacin, trfico, porte o tenencia de armas de fuego, accesorios, partes o municiones; enriquecimiento ilcito de particulares; fuga de presos; falsedad material en documento pblico; uso de documento pblico falso y fraude procesal. Ante esta extradicin el ministro de Defensa, Diego Molano, escribi que esta medida libera a Colombia de las acciones criminales del Clan del Golfo. How deadly Clan Del Golfo cartel boss ruled gang with glam 'clone [60] On November 17, 2020, alleged financier and route coordinator of the Clan del Golfo Jorge Elicer Castao Toro, alias "Plstico," and his deputy Darwin Abad Sierra, alias "number 17," were arrested by Colombian National Police. Clan del Golfo has some 1,600 fighters and is involved in the production and trafficking of cocaine, as well as illegal mining. Tu inscripcin ha sido exitosa. Informaciones recaudadas por la Polica Nacional indican que Nini Johana suga David, alias La Negra, hermana del mximo cabecilla del Clan del Golfo, Otoniel, era la encargada de manejar las finanzas ilcitas producto del narcotrfico y una de las integrantes de la agrupacin criminal de su mayor confianza. Junto a alias la Negra son extraditadas seis personas ms, entre ellas dos exintegrantes de las extintas Farc. Nini Johana suga David, tambin conocida como la Negra, lleg a un acuerdo con la justicia de Estados Unidos y acept los cargos por narcotrfico. . Blink-182: por qu no vienen a Colombia y quin los reemplazar? Colombian police capture sister of Clan del Golfo leader Otoniel Este artculo etiquetado en: Colombia Clan del Golfo "[62] Among those arrested was John Fredy Zapata Garzn, alias Messi or Candado, and seven of his closest collaborators. [39] Cuarentano was also revealed to have been in charge of the cartel's trafficking routes and oversaw Chiquito Malo's trafficking as well. Bogot D.C., Colombia. It is one of the main tools in Colombia's arsenal for fighting drug trafficking. Recuerda que para ver tus temas en todos tus dispositivos, debes actualizar la App de El Tiempo. La Negra, es requerida en extradicin por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida, Estados Unidos, por narcotrfico. Colombia: 'La Negra', hermana del narcotraficante alias 'Otoniel', fue 2, he was more of a regional leader in the Colombian areas of Riosucio, Jurad, Ungua and Acand than an international trafficker, extending only as far as the Panama border, and is the leader of close to 1,000 members of the cartel's Colombian armed forces. Queremos que encuentres las noticias que ms te interesan. However, Meza, who served as third-in-command, was during a shootout with police on March 28, 2018. Corte Suprema da visto bueno a extradicin de hermana de Otoniel | RCN El jueves 16 de febrero, el juez estadounidense Darrin Gayles dej en libertad a Nini Johana suga, conocida como La Negra, tras cumplir el "tiempo servido" en prisin. La mujer, que fue extraditada en julio pasado, era requerida por la Corte para el Distrito Sur de La Florida, sealada de hacer parte de la organizacin criminal del Clan del Golfo. [55] Among those detained were local leaders thought to be responsible for a recent wave of violence. Al parecer, este dinero iba a ser utilizado en ese entonces para la compra de salones de belleza, gimnasios, centros de esttica en Antioquia. Segn el documento entregado por la justicia norteamericana, la integrante del clan confes, acept sus cargos y se comprometi a colaborar en otras investigaciones. The Clan del Golfo, which has more than 1,200 combatants according to security forces, launched a so-called "armed strike" to protest Otoniel's extradition, paralyzing swathes of Colombia in the process. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. 177 Followers, 218 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nini Usuga (@niniusuga) UU.Por su parte, alias Otoniel fue capturado en octubre de 2021 y fue extraditado en mayo de este ao para que responda porconcierto para delinquir en hechos ocurridos entre 2002 y el 23 de octubre de 2021, por haber concertado con mltiples socios en Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panam, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mxico y en otras partes, para elaborar y transportar miles de kilogramos de cocana desde Colombia a travs de Centroamrica y Mxico con el objetivo final de su importacin a los Estados Unidos". The five-week long clamp down on the Urabeos group, which has since 2009 been commanded by the Usuga brothers clan, has resulted in a severe blow to the structure of the criminal organization, . Military and police authorities from more than 40 countries worked to capture 169 tonnes of cocaine and 41 tonnes of marijuana during the ninth phase of the international anti-narcotics Orion campaign, Colombia's Defense Minister Diego Molano said later on Friday. Nos comprometimos a acelerar los procesos de . Rendn then found refuge in the Urab region, where his brother Freddy, alias El Aleman, headed his own paramilitary group, the Bloque Elmer Cardenas. En 2019 capturado Carlos Mario Usuga, hermano de Otoniel y jefe de finanzas del Clan del Golfo. Suscrbete y disfruta de mltiples beneficios [45], On May 4, 2020, leader of the cartel's violent Jorge Ivn Arboleda Garcs fraction Aureliano Prez Caballero, alias Dvinson, was arraigned in court following his arrest the previous day. Toby explains that such collaborations between global crime syndicates will only become more common as the cocaine industry grows bigger and bigger. Millonarios sigue avanzando en la Copa Libertadores, Medelln hizo la tarea y se meti en la tercera fase de la Copa Libertadores, Falleci Just Fontaine, el hombre de los trece goles, Golazo en el clsico! Rendn attempted to expand his empire, moving into southern Crdoba, the Lower Cauca region in northern Antioquia and even venturing into Medellin, long controlled by the feared Oficina de Envigado. Nini Johana Usuga, the sister of Clan del Golfo leader Dairo Antonio Usuga, who is known as Otoniel, was captured on Wednesday night in Sabaneta, a municipality close to Colombia's second city . Nini Johana Usuga David (C), from the Clan del Golfo, has been extradited to the US Credit: EPA. Colombia extradita a "La Negra", hermana de "Otoniel" a Estados Unidos Este es un mensaje claro a Otoniel: no solo las autoridades de Colombia sino tambin las internacionales estn en su bsqueda. En este libro testimonial, uno de sus hijos repasa su historia, La historia de Jorge Mario Bergoglio, de origen argentino, ha sido de gran inters para la televisin y el cine, y te dejamos algunos ttulos para conocer mejor su trayectoria, Tras una pesquisa de casi dos dcadas, el historiador del cine Fernando Martn Pea pudo comprobar su hiptesis de que el filme dirigido por Fritz Lang en 1927 estaba en Buenos Aires, Rubn Romano surgi en el Globo, pero dej su huella en su paso por el Cicln, club del cual es hincha.
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