form. When a contact or their company posts something relevant to you, thats a perfect reason to check in. "Just checking in" is one of the most frustrating phrases for prospects to receive because they know it likely means more than just checking on their well-being. Shadow Work Is All About Stepping Into Your Power Here's How To Do It, The 'Sex And The City' Cab Light Theory, Revisited, I Got My Chakras Balanced & Now I Am At Peace, Trainers Reveal How Long You Should Rest Between Sets, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. We also may earn commission from purchases made through affiliate links. It usually means that we dont expect any updates in the email reply, but we want to meet with them in person before we make any final decisions about whats going on. This is a gentler way of initiating a check-in, Anwar says, because it contains some nuance. Dont apologize for doing your job, apologize when it is merited. If you know your co-worker, manager, or client has lost someone or is going through a rough patch, you can send a polite check-in message. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? Can I say just checking in? Subscribe to the Sales Blog below. And yet, its absolutely vital for your business to keep conversations moving forward. ", "Happy Thursday! Although this is a perfectly good reason to check in via email, there are ways to avoid the just checking in language we all dread. Be sure to remind them of your initial conversation and present some options for next steps. Therefore, we can use this to ask for an update, but its also a good way for us to offer our support should the other person need it. Do you have anything to tell me?All the best,Mr. I am leaving my contact information if you want to touch base with us in future. Use the request for a status update as a call-to-action, and make it time-sensitive so youre more likely to get a response. I wanted to remind you about the trial period that ends by the weekend. But thats precisely the problem. I was making plans to attend the Great Big Event the weekend of July 7th and it occurred to me you might be interested in going. (More on this later.). How to quit: Changing but to and helps you look for two positive outcomes, rather than looking for reasons you cant reach a goal or complete a task. This gives them an example of what's possible with your company. I notice you have been quite busy with the issues lately, and Im here to offer my services.Best wishes,John & Johnson Co. Get this free checklist to find out if it's time to consider an email alternative. I wanted you to know Im thinking of you. (All good things!) The person might be waiting for someone to genuinely ask how theyre doing so that they can do a little venting. If your "just checking in" email never landed you a response from your prospects, try the below phrases when writing your next email. 7 alternatives to just checking in (with examples) 1. It's related to [topic] that you might be keen on. After a meeting or discovery session Suppose its been over a week since you had a call or face-to-face meeting with 2. It can also be helpful to ask the other person to tell you their story, McBain says. If youre waiting on someones reply by email, you might be familiar with using the phrase I just wanted to follow up. However, there are better alternatives out there. List Of 30- Alternative Follow-up Strategies To "Just Checking In" Personal Check-ins. We are in the process of making improvements to our products & services that will be rolled out this weekend. Usage of any form or other service on our website is Be very smart at drafting your emails when you want to cash on the guilt-trip scenario and spin a positive approach on it. The fees for the advice of an attorney should not be compared to the fees of do-it-yourself online I feel like we havent communicated for a while.Kind regards,Evangeline Button, Hello Bruce,Whats going on with the status report? You stumble into your kitchen, make yourself some coffee, take a few sips, and then head to the computer to open your inbox and catch up on emails. Even if they cant meet up with you any time soon, theyll know youre available when they want to go out or just chat on the phone. This alternative works well when we want to set up a meeting to discuss matters. Use these 4 alternatives to just checking in emails: Theres no perfect alternative to this email but there are a few follow-up sales emails you can rely on to get back on your prospects radar. Moreover, we might also be able to use it when we want to offer some assistance to the person we are emailing. Now, take a look at these follow-up email examples to see how this alternative works: Dear Christina,Do you have any updates on the matter at hand? Whenever you happen to think of someone you havent spoken to in a while, you can reach out quickly via text or DM to let them know. I need an answer, already! Here are some messages that will help you say, Just checking in to see how youre doing, to a friend or family member. Send a how-to guide. for your reference. As salespeople, following up with prospects comes in as a basic instinct. For example, RingCentrals integration with Gong.ios AI analytics engine can be used to analyze all your sales teams conversations with clients and then unearth new insights into what patterns and speech behaviors correlate with successful calls: Similarly, the seamless integrations with most of the popular CRM platforms can level-up your communication capabilities with features like click-to-dial, note logging, and call schedulingall easily available from within the CRM itself. I loved seeing the photos you posted on social media! Just checking in to see if youve completed that report I asked for. Just checking in to make sure youre coming to the meeting. Just checking in did you get this, and are you able to meet with me? When we say just checking in, were trying to soften the real message: Dont ignore me. And offer to follow up over a phone or video call if they're interested. OConnor, Dear Jerry,I just wanted to follow up in case you missed my last email. ", "Hi, you might be wondering why us [company name] over others. Referencing a specific challenge that you've talked about with someone lets the person know you have been thinking of them and are genuinely interested in hearing an update, Anwar says. How does next Wednesday work for you?. How to say just checking in professionally Option #1: Stick to work-related questions Option #2: Use open-ended statements Option #3: Offer support Option #4: Schedule a meeting How to write a checking-in email for a business contact The wrong way to write a checking-in email The right way to check in with someone over email Nothing induces a world-weary sigh from working professionals like a just checking in email. Your friend or family member whos going through a hard time will appreciate that kind of reminder. When an email just wont cut it Keeping in touch with your contacts doesnt have to be an email-only affair, of 3. I just wanted to follow up allows you to send a follow-up email politely. Firestorm, Im just checking to see if is a calm and polite alternative to I just wanted to follow up.. Ask if they're still interested in achieving X goal. Id love to discuss your progress so far.Thank you,Mrs. Just hearing or reading those words could be enough for the recipient to start feeling a little bit better, if only for a moment. How to quit: Changing but to and helps you look for two positive outcomes, rather than looking for reasons you cant reach a goal or complete a task. We follow a strict editorial process to provide you with the best content possible. Lastly, the following email examples should teach you all you need to know: Dear Juliette,Im just checking in to see if I can do anything to help you with this issue.Please keep me updated,Mrs. They may thank you for your concern, or ask why theyve been in your thoughts then, you can launch full throttle into the convo you want to have. 2. If you know what the persons been working on lately, you can check in by asking about that specific thing. Just make sure that the case studies or success stories you provide have some bearing on the prospects specific needs and circumstances. Here are some examples of how to send a follow-up email: Dear Hansen,I just wanted to follow up on my previous email. While we do not use where are we with to tell people off, the implication is that we expected an update sooner. Thank you for your interest in RingCentral. If you havent spoken to the person in a while, its a kind gesture to offer to talk with them on the phone or just via email. 1 Ask Drop the checking in wind-up and ask for an update politely and directly. How are they managing that really stressful issue with their car/their landlady/their landladys cat that hates them? Share a relevant industry article. Let them know when youre available to talk, or just let them know they can reach out at any time. Whats going on with is a simple way to ask someone to follow up on a project. An email or call following up on any of these situations should presumably be focused on that missed commitment it's not just a generic check-in. It can be helpful to explain why the task is important to you, too. Here are ten alternatives that can be used instead. Example: We saw your question about X and wanted to provide you with some resources youd appreciate on the matter. If youre concerned that a task may have fallen through the cracks, start with a little context. This achievement will help your business reach new heights and innovate more in your mission to X.. Example: We see company X has been using Y strategy effectively this past quarter, how are you planning to address this recent development?. It lets them know that youve noticed a change in their behavior, and youre there to support them if they need help. Congratulate them on a recent company or personal announcement. Cheers, [Salesperson]." If they do not, they can let us know in a follow-up email (and explain whats taking so long). 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? How do you say just wanted to The rule of thumb for "just checking in" emails is essentially this: If you have a good reason to reach out or new value to provide, reach out. Tell the prospect you're writing a blog post featuring industry experts, then ask to quote them. If youre not sure how to word your just checking in email or message, whether its to a work acquaintance or a close friend, the ideas below can help you get started. Why would you reinforce that impression by wasting their time even more? What do you think about it? Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. WebOne of the most worthless things to say at the beginning of a call to a prospect or customer is Im just checking in with you. (The Probation Officer call.) If you dont, think of one. ", "We're excited to share the new and improved website. If someone is stuck on a project, it might be useful to offer them support. Here are some different ways you can say, Just checking in on you, to someone whos experienced a loss or tragedy. But in many cases, its a sincere request based on the fact that they just arent in a position to make any big calls right now. Its a fairly professional phrase showing that you have something new to add. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. It even proofreads your text, so your work is extra polished wherever you write. This link will open in a new window. Nothing induces a world-weary sigh from working professionals like a just checking in email. Imagine you are a business owner. Is there a single silver-lead bullet that affects the bottom line when it comes to B2B leads? It never hurts to mention the connections you and your contact have in common as long as theyre relevant to the ongoing conversation. This can often come as a major relief to someone whos suffering from stress in addition to illness or grief. Then we could meet for a 15-minute video walk-through so you can see if [software] is the best solution for you. WebInstead of saying I just wanted to follow up, you can say can we schedule a follow-up on. This alternative works well when we want to set up a meeting to discuss matters. A recap email works well in these situations, giving you the chance to refresh your prospects memory about the major points you discussed and the specific problems your offer can help them solve. Your contact might appreciate a reminder that theres still an open email chain needing attention. ", "Hi, I share the same viewpoint as yours about your post on social media platforms (like Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter). Ive attached a few case studies that I think youll find interesting. Should I make that happen? Dont leave them guessing and dont shift the responsibility onto them to propose the next steps. Id love to hear how things are going with the Great Big Infographic design brief. Example: We have a new addition to our executive team, here is an overview of the changes to come upon their arrival.. Now you can focus on leaving a legacy instead of a mess. i just wanted to make sure. You might find them useful. Answer a question on an online forum. (Correct Version), 6 Steps To Politely Remind Someone To Reply To Your Email, 30 Best Replies To Whats Up? (Funny & Friendly), Comma after Regards in Emails (Best Practice), Is Best Regards Capitalized? In your research, have you identified a potential opportunity for their company? I know that [relevant topic] was something you wanted to learn more about on last weeks call. We are not attorneys and are not providing you with legal Theyre the bane of our inbox existence. Send them a blog post from your company. Dont pressure them to respond, but just give them the information that youd like to know how theyre doing. Also, notice how in the example above theres no compelling reason for Anna to respond to Toms message. What do we mean by that? When an email just wont cut it Keeping in touch with your contacts doesnt have to be an email-only affair, of 3. Letting them know youre there if they need to talk can make all the difference. I am sure it will make your work easy. Your friend might have lost someone close to them, or they might be stuck at home sick. Spend your time crafting more helpful emails, and your prospects (and your quota!) I expected it on my desk last night but have yet to receive anything from you.Thank you,Missy Winter, Dear All,Where are we with the team cohesion exercises? And if you cant think of a single legitimate reason to follow up that would be beneficial to the recipient, dont. 1. Simply put, checking in means when you want to update your friends on your whereabouts or activity. Im free to help out wherever Im needed.Let me know what I can do,Mr. Respond on social media. Even as a professional acquaintance, there may be something you can do to help. Its important to reach out within the timeframe they stated, otherwise your window of opportunity might close prematurely. You might find this useful. Hence, we can use it to simply ask for status updates, and its most effective if youre a boss who wants to learn more about the current projects undertaken by your staff. So you can't help but open the email and respond. That could speed up the process and give you valuable insights into the progress itself. Here are a few ways to make sure your. So why is it so hard to get a timely response? I notice you have not kept me updated over the last week.I hope all is well,Mr. How to quit: Changing but to and helps you look for two positive outcomes, rather than looking for reasons you cant reach a goal or complete a task. 1. Its also important to be upfront about what you want from them. At that time you werent ready to make any decisions [because of X reason, if provided], and you asked for me to come back to you after [Y weeks/months]. Im so sorry for your loss. Sales Email Templates | Best Cold Outreach Email Templates, Looking for sales email outreach templates? Example: Good morning, I came across an interesting article that reminded me of a previous conversation we held about X. Recommend an event. 3.What can I say instead of just checking in? Sometimes, just asking how someone is (sincerely) is a meaningful gesture. If youre wishing all the best for a grieving friend or family member, you can let them know youre sending them good energy. Donkey, Do you have any updates on is one of the more popular choices on our list with alternatives to I just wanted to follow up.. Cake values integrity and transparency. If you pray for your friends well-being, you might let them know theyre in your thoughts and prayers. Worried about a friend? I had lunch with Kristina Smalley yesterday and your name came up. I havent seen any updates from through, and I havent heard from you about it yet.Just checking in for some updates,Mr. Let them know. Even if theyve been off work because of an illness or loss, they might be happy to jump back into work for a quick conversation. Loss is hard. Hows Friday at 3?). LinkedIn. Are you free for a call this week to move things forward?. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? How do you say just wanted to Im keen to hear about your progress.Thank you for your time,Sarah, To Mr. Dinners,Can we schedule a follow-up whenever youre next free? Offering to do so is a great way to reach out and check-in with a professional tone. Congratulate a potential decision-maker on a promotion. If so, heres the information I shared with you in the first message.. Are you still interested in [topic]? What to say instead: Its better to use inclusive or motivating language that champions an individual employee or team, Liou suggests. If general questions might get a vague response, pinpointing various events or situations may encourage them to give you a heap of detail. By clicking "Accept", you agree to our website's cookie use as described in our Cookie Policy. Heres what to say to somebody youd really like to check up on, without defaulting to a clich or sending a .gif of a floating otter. They show how our past clients in [their industry/niche] have worked with us to achieve [relevant goals]. Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox. Checking in is a term that has been taken over by social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The heres more information email Prospects sometimes require a bit more information before making a buying decision. Moreover, we can replace it with whatever the thing is that we want updates on. Are you available Thursday at 10:30 a.m.?, Id love to meet for coffee this week to talk about potentially working together. It is related to your field of business. I read your blog post about email funnel strategies yesterday. You dont have to be someones best friend or family member to check in on them if you know theyre struggling. Ten points to you for listening, and theyll be more likely to give you the news because youve targeted something in particular. Whats more, your reader will naturally interpret the expression as a request for their time and attention. Furthermore, when we use going on in this manner, were asking for more information about the current proceedings. Your messages should be precise, concise, and conscious of the readers needs and circumstances. Or, another variation is the Baseball Opening, which is Im calling to just touch base. 17. This is probably the most common way that just checking in emails are used. Checking in is a term that has been taken over by social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. They (rightly) suspect that whoever wrote it wants something from them, but is hesitant about getting to the point. 13. Instead, it sounds like you are beating around the bush or trying to apple-polish. 2. Let's set-up a time to discuss this. WebSometimes the best way to say just checking in is to just come out and say it. Anything I can help with on works well as a way to politely ask for a follow-up. Editor's note: This post was originally published in March 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. Now, put yourself back in the shoes of a Salesperson. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. WebOne of the most worthless things to say at the beginning of a call to a prospect or customer is Im just checking in with you. (The Probation Officer call.) They may still have big gaps in their understanding of your product or have doubts about its ability to deliver the results they need. If you decide to register (or you already have), let me know so we can get together for coffee or lunch. How do I not say just checking in? Here are the key things to consider when determining how long your videos should be. Dont apologize for doing your job, apologize when it is merited. A quiz plugin like [your app] could be the answer to the conversion problem you mentioned. And if you can't think of a single legitimate reason to follow up that would be beneficial to your prospect, don't. Have you had a moment to jot those ideas down? Leaders with your experience and knowledge bring valuable insight to the company.. go check. Are you over email? I liked what you had to say about building trust with new subscribers. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Would you oblige our request? I had lunch with Kristina Smalley yesterday and your name came up. If the prospect has gone completely silent, send a breakup email to close the loop. I would have thought that the IT department would have it fixed by now.Let me know when you get a chance,Miss Zotto. If you suspect your contact has just forgotten about a project, offer some context in your message to jog their memory. Sometimes the how are you doing? question just leaves us with fine, like its the end of the story, Heidi McBain LMFT, a family therapist, tells Bustle. How do I not say just checking in? Of course, you could be turned down for the support. 11 Things To Say Instead Of Just Checking In Ive Been Thinking Of You Lately Id Love To Hear How Youre Doing, If You Want To Share Id Like To Hear How Youre Really Going How Are You Managing Things Right Now? How Have You Been Feeling Lately? So How Was This Year For You? Can I say just checking in? go check. Provide them with a short piece of actionable advice. Some people dont respond well to religious sentiments, however, so its important to keep the specific recipient in mind. This means you have to make the message hyper-relevant to the specific person youre contacting, drawing on their specific needs, interests, and previous interactions with your company. You offered to put together a list of project ideas for further brainstorming. Congratulate them on a funding round. I need to know whats going on before taking the next steps.Thank you,Sam Retch, Dear Mr. Sir,Do you have any updates on this problem? I read your blog post about email funnel strategies yesterday. Sometimes prospects just forgot they spoke with you and need a reminder of your initial conversation to get things moving again. It just briefly lets them know that theyre in your thoughts, which can go a long way in lifting their spirits. i just wanted to check. Provide details about a common difficulty faced by your buyers. A check-in is an indirect request for our time or attention, and we find ourselves wishing the sender had gotten straight to the point (not unlike the classic . ", "Hi, I found this [book/podcast] interesting. Let me know if we can be of assistance in the future.. I need an answer, already! I scheduled a meeting invite and haven't received any response from you. It's a Sunday morning, and you're just waking up. I wondered if [software] is still on your radar. It also shows that you actually care about how they are, and youre interested in their well-being. Share a relevant industry article. We cannot give you customized advice on your situation or needs, which would require the service Its also another specific thing that gives them a clear boundary: were talking about this right now, not everything else. 14. Id love to catch up on what youve been doing! Its a lot harder to respond to this one with a plain Fine, because its a more complex question. If they told you to reach back out in X days/weeks/months, If they didn't show up to a scheduled call, If they told you they needed a few days to make an internal evaluation, then went dark, If they committed to signing a contract and didn't, If they started a product trial but you haven't heard back on their progress. A daily dose of irreverent and informative takes on business & tech news, Turn marketing strategies into step-by-step processes designed for success, Explore what it takes to be a creative business owner or side-hustler, Listen to the world's most downloaded B2B sales podcast, Get productivity tips and business hacks to design your dream career, Free ebooks, tools, and templates to help you grow, Learn the latest business trends from leading experts with HubSpot Academy, All of HubSpot's marketing, sales CRM, customer service, CMS, and operations software on one platform.
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