Main Point: God is perfectly loving and perfectly just. Programs Pass UCE Pass UACE Career Guidance - 1 Kings 21:6 NLT. At first, this made the king angry. Naboth wasnt just being stubborn here. The land had been provided by God as part of his grace toward Israel . In Jezebel. As we saw, God was very patient with Ahab and Jezebel. The ancient site of Jezreel was built on a rocky spur in the foothills of Mount Gilboa, overlooking the fertile Jezreel Valley, which was named after it. Furthermore, between the ninth and sixth centuries B.C.E., wine was also listed among basic military supplies. But instead, this grown man stormed off, pouting! S.S.S. A person with a residence in one place and a vineyard in another is a wealthy person, and one might imagine that such a person lived in the capital city, Samaria. And that is exactly how King Ahab looked! Special thanks to John R. Cross, The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, GoodSeed International. If Naboth had sold this land to Ahab, that land would be permanently lost as a family inheritance to his sons and his grandsons and for all the generations beyond. The land was Yahwehs (v. 23), and Naboth was not free to dispense with it simply at his whim. [1] Nadav Naaman, Pharonic Lands in the Jezreel Valley in the Late Bronze Age. He worshiped statues of gods. (1 Kings 21:25-26a). This reminds us of Haman (in the Book of Esther), all worked up because Mordecai the Jew refused to bow before him. Patrick E. McGovern,Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viticulture(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007), 17. Naboth was one of the seven thousand (in Elijahs day) who had refused to bow the knee to Baal; and soquickly and firmly and courteouslyhe refused the offer. Certain men of worthless character were hired to testify against him, and he had no chance to answer. Just so it is todaywhen a law of the country clearly conflicts with an express command of God, we ought to obey God rather than men, Acts 5:29; and thats exactly what Naboth did. I dont believe theres a force in all the world, that could destroy America, if its women were pure and godly. Plot 90 Kanjokya Street Phone: 0705228456 E-mail: [email protected] Company About Us Our Team Privacy Policy Terms of Use. Naboth refused because he was faithful to God since the Israelites were expected to be faithful to God therefore selling the vineyard implied that he was faithful. Ahabs face turned pale; and before Elijah could speak, Ahab said to him, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? verse 20. He had spiritual convictions, and he stood by them regardless of the cost. Its one of the most gruesome accounts in the whole Bible, but there are a number of lessons we should learn from it. why did naboth refuse to sell his vineyard. Jezebel 's influence over him was as strong as ever. Vineyards. May the sun of your justice rise on every night of oppression and may the warm rays of your healing love renew each troubled mind; for you are the God of salvation and new life, made known to us in Jesus Christ our Lord. He gave the impression that Naboth was just being stubborn, when the whole truth was that Naboth was obeying God. He refused to sell it to you when he was alive. This was the case with King Ahab. If this is the case, why didnt Naboth go ahead and lease his vineyard, and just wait for the next Jubilee to get his vineyard back? Whatever a man sows, that he shall also reap. [5] Jennie Ebeling, Norma Franklin, and Ian Cipin, Jezreel Revealed in Laser Scans: A Preliminary Report of the 2012 Survey Season,Near Eastern Archaeology75.4 (2012): 23239. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Read about his wickedness in 1 Kings 21:25,26: But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up. In Area K, a particularly impressive installation was carved into the limestone bedrock at the foot of the hill of Jezreel, north-east of the area excavated in the 1990s, and directly south of a large fertile terrace that sloped towards the spring of Jezreel. Jezebel signed the Kings name to the orders. If we serve sin, God will pay off with punishment; if we serve God, He will pay off with reward. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! To Naboth, it seemed wrong to give up his vineyard because the Levitical code allowed that "the inheritance of the children of Israel" might not "remove from tribe to tribe," but that everyone should "keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers" (Num. When Jezebel found out, she devised a scheme to falsely accuse Naboth of blasphemy. Lets listen very carefully to Ahabs answer. vladislav doronin ekaterina doronina Now there was a man named Naboth, from Jezreel, who owned a vineyard in Jezreel beside the palace of King Ahab of Samaria. And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, Give me thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money.. He had a great army and a fat treasury. Say: Thats it exactly! As soon as Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, Ahab set out to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it. Or, at times, we might want to give a certain impression by leaving details out of our story. Thank God for those who understand you, and pray for you, and look for the best in you. The king went to bed with his face to the wall and refused to eat! His wife Jezebel said, "Is this how the King of Israel acts? The treading floor, which slopes down toward a vat, Vat 1, and is connected to it by a 15 centimeter long, 5 centimeter wide, rock-cut channel. She wrote letters in Ahabs name, sealed them with the kings seal, and sent them to the elders and nobles of Jezreel, Naboths home community. Application: In todays story, we see that God is just, and He is also loving. It had always been his home; he had played there as a boy and toiled there as a man. And so while he's having fun at his own pity party his wife Jezebel comes along and wants to know what's wrong. But Ahab insisted on having things his way. And so Ahab tells her, 1 Kings 21:6 "I asked Naboth to sell me his vineyard or to let me give him a better one, and he told me I couldn't have it.". The fundamental injustice is that Ahab fails to honor God. Dr. Norma Franklin is a Research Fellow at the Zinman Institute of Archaeology of the University of Haifa and an Associate Fellow of the W.F. It seems that the rules of Leviticus 25:29-30 would apply: if a man sells a dwelling house in a walled city, then his redemption right remains valid until a full year from its sale; his right of redemption lasts a full year. He said of Ahab that every male of his posterity would be cut off from him (verse 21) and that someday the dogs would lick up his blood (verse 19). A sump for collecting liquids in the northwest corner of Vat 1. Gods law said that when the Israelites defeated an enemy at war, every man must be killed (Deuteronomy 20:13). Ahab had definitely wronged a true-hearted man in Israel, and he was punished accordingly. When Naboth refused to part with his vineyard (the inheritance of my fathers), Jezebel falsely charged him with blaspheming God and the king, which led to Naboths death by stoning. Well, you can have it now! Or would that be treated as land that could not be sold in perpetuity? 36:7-9). But I had said he should be set apart to the Lord in a special way to be destroyed. Think of all those who love you and are concerned for your welfare. You can almost hear the whine in his voice. When Ahab arrived that day to take possession of his vineyard, he experienced an unexpected surprise. Even though God is just, and must punish sin because He is holy, He is also completely loving, giving us every opportunity to turn from our sin, and turn to Him. He used to make regular pilgrimages to Jerusalem, and as a great singer, many followed him. (2 Kings 9:26 says both Naboth and his sons were killed, therefore Naboths property was without family heirs and reverted to the king). (Even today the preacher who preaches against hypocrisy and carnality and worldliness, is frequently considered an enemy). As he walked up and down that choice garden analyzing where he would plant the various vegetables and herbssuddenly he heard a footstep behind him; he turned and there he stood, face to face, before the prophet of God, Elijah the Tishbite. Israelites lived in covenant faithfulness as they remained married to the land God gave them, for better or for worse. His wife Jezebel talked him into it. One of Gods laws that can never be broken is the law of sowing and reaping. and he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no bread. Ahab was greatly displeased by this refusal. And eventually, all of Ahabs descendants were killed (2 Kings 10:11). Two adjacent rock-cut vats each ca. Leviticus 25 assumes that a landed Israelite would be willing to part with his property only in extreme circumstances, as a last resort (v. 25). King Ahab wanted Naboth's vineyard because of its location next to his palace. But Naboth was not doing what was right in his own eyes; he was obeying God. June 30, 2022 . I show great love, and I can be trusted. Every sentence (in those letters) was filled with hate. No goods or services are provided in return for Every father ought to lovingly teach it to his sons and daughters. But God loves us so much, that He sent Jesus to pay for our sin. Naboth refuses to sell the vineyard to the king, so Jezebel gets Naboth . [ 1 Kings 21:9-16] We have just read the center section of this twenty-first chapter of 1 Kings. See my discussion of this complex in my Jezreel: A Military City and the Location of Jehus Coup, Jehu was known as one who drove furiously. Just like Ahab, each one of us has done evil in Gods sight, and we deserve to be punished by our just God (Romans 3:23). [13] Gsta W. Ahlstrm, Wine Presses and Cup Marks of the JeninMegiddo Survey,Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 231 (1978): 1949 (48). (God had said in verse 23 of our chapter, The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the walls of Jezreel.) She kept on reigning over Israel for a number of years, but 2 Kings 9 tells the story of her death. He refused because the land belonged to the whole family. See Hebrews 11:25- 26. He had lots of good thingsbut here he was, acting like a baby. Ahab stepped out onto the soft, rich soil and walked around, inspecting the vineyard. I discuss the function of these bottle-shaped pits in detail in my forthcoming, Exploring the Function of Bell-Shaped Pits: With a View to Iron Age Jezreel.. True, there was a partial repentance; and Gods judgment was stayed for a number of years. This threw Ahab into a tizzy because he didn't get what he wanted, and he began pouting. Ray Dillard pointed to Leviticus 25 for the answer: Because the land represented the fruit of the nations redemption, God commanded that it remain in the hands of the families to whom it was originally allotted. The law provided that the land could be leased for a period, but that it could never be sold outright (Leviticus 25:13-15).. But Naboth said to Ahab, 'The Lord forbid that I should give you my ancestral inheritance.'. The king would owe him one.. But no! It seems that the rules of Leviticus 25:29-30 would apply: if a man sells a dwelling house in a walled city, then his redemption right remains valid until a full year from its sale; his right of redemption lasts a full year. Say: Okay - lets see it. Why did Naboth refuse to sell his vineyard to King Ahab? Verse 2 tells us thats what he wanted with the vineyard. We might imagine that a wealthy King might have shook the mans hand, thanked him for his time, and rode off to find another piece of land. Naboths head was crushed with stones; his legs were splintered; his arms were broken; his ribs were mangled. A number of persons are named in 1 Kings 21, and by way of introduction, we want to take a brief look at each one individually. Sadly, since the order had been sealed with the Kings seal, it had to be followed. prestigia plage des nations prix. // Javascript URL redirection Instead of leading his people to keep Gods covenant, Ahab acted like every other near-eastern king. Posted at 09:48h in michael deluise matt leblanc by 25:23, The land shall not be sold forever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me. Num. He acted in the most evil way. The distinction between land and city-property seems to be one of productivity. Answer Naboth's story in the Bible ( 1 Kings 21) involves the downfall of the wicked king Ahab of Israel and his infamous wife, Jezebel. Little Jacob might point to his sister and scream, She hit me! But the part that Jacob left out is that he actually hit his sister first. The piece of dirt on which his vineyard sat was that apportioned to his family by God himself when Israel took possession of the land of promise. Faro particip en la Semana de la Innovacin 24 julio, 2019. It does not matter whether they are slaves or free You have made me very angry. When Jezebel heard the news, she said to Ahab, You know the vineyard Naboth wouldnt sell you? For Naboth is no longer alive, but dead." It said, "Have you seen how Ahab has made himself low in My sight? The land had been provided by God as part of his grace toward Israel; therefore, no one was to take the land of another away from him. I am merciful and very patient with My people. She was a daring and reckless person. Please support us. Only our faith in Jesus takes our sin away and brings us back to God. And a certain man drew a bow at a venture, and smote Ahab between the joints of the harness: wherefore he said unto the driver of his chariot, turn thine hand, and carry me out of the host; for I am wounded. The use of this gentilic implies that he resided somewhere else as well, otherwise he would not have required a qualifier. contributions other than intangible religious benefits. He seemed to be a silent spectator of this whole transaction, but over in the wilderness (read verses 17-20) God had a prophet. Ahab was taking a drive in his chariot one day, and he spied a well-kept vineyard not far from his summer palace, and he wanted it. I even offered him a better vineyard in exchange for his." Print copies of this booklet may be obtained from: BIBLE HELPS One day Ahab said to Naboth, Since your vineyard is so convenient to my palace, I would like to buy it to use as a vegetable garden. 1 Kings 21:1-29 The same year that he makes peace with the Arameans (in c.856BC), King Ahab wants to expand the grounds of his palace at Jezreel, so he claims Naboth's vineyard on the slopes of the Vale of Jezreel (see 14 on Map 58).
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